Discussion: New York Newspaper Ran Op-Ed About Obama With N-Word In The Headline (PHOTO)

Discussion for article #224730

Gee, what could possibly go wrong?


Yeah, the GOTP doesn’t hate Obama because he’s black; they hate him because he’s a Marxist, socialist, communist who just happens to be from Kenya.

Geez, you journalists…


Eh. It was a pretty dumb thing to do, but if there was only cluelessness and no malice (at African-Americans) behind it, it’s probably the sort of thing that should be forgotten rather than gawked at.

There’s a third option, too, which is that this was a cynical PR stunt designed to get thousands and thousands of people talking about this pissant paper, in which case forgetting it becomes an even better idea.


There’s free speech and there’s stupid speech.


There was once a “Peanuts” cartoon where Lucy says, “Charlie Brown, it goes without saying that you are a complete blockhead!”

Charlie Brown thinks for a moment as she’s walking away and then yells after her, “If it goes without saying, why did you have to say it?”

It does go without saying that there are a lot of people who think our president is a [racist expletive]. Not sure it was a good idea to say it.

(Peanuts dialog is from memory, may not be 100% correct.)


I have no problem with it. We shouldn’t be so politically correct that we give the racists a pass. Call them out for what they are how they talk about the President.


Except between the covers of “The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” that word is usually not a good one to use. But although I question the judgment, Collier is a well-respected young-adult author and jazz expert, and I don’t question his good intentions. As it says, the idea is to shock people out of a complacent sense that racism is mostly a thing of the past. Still, there had to be another way…


I tend to be in the “let them use the word” camp usually. It’s like a big neon sign over a guy’s head to show that he is a racist asshole. While I’ll never say the word myself, and can see the case for banishing it, if I’m dealing with a racist asshole, I’d like to know that, up-front.

But this smacks of thinly-veiled self-promotion. So, thumbs-down from me in case anyone asks. (And none of you have. So.)

[EDIT: forgot to make clear that the author here was not a racist asshole, but calling them out. But the point stands: self-promotion, meh at best, jerk at worst.]


I have no problem with it in this context. It’s bold, it’s in your face and I certainly don’t fault anyone for being offended. The racism aimed at this president needs to be pointed out again and again and again in the harshest, plainest words possible. The headline does that.


It was totally unnecessary to spell the entire word out. A simple N and than explaining in the first sentence that the many racists that still permeate our society would have spelled the entire word out, and done so without reservation and with malicious intent.


Words matter. One of these words is offensive. It should never be used at all, just like the slag word for Jew that sounds like “kite.”
The use of these offensive words offends me too.
But there is something more offensive in that editorial.
The Truth of it.
I have been and I am one who has said, and will say now and in the future that the main reason for the Grumpy Old Party obstructing Government is because our President is a man of color.
Americans ought to be rightly offended by the slang word that headlines this newspaper’s text. But they ought to be even more offended and forthright about the ugly truth that’s forgotten because of one slang word.
I hope that the American People will hold the Grumpy Old Party responsible for their racism. But somehow, I doubt they will. Another ugly truth is that most people can’t be bothered. If the American People had bothered, the ugly spectacle in Congress would not have gone on for six years, and will probably be allowed to last two years more.
Americans ought to have done something about this long ago. And the National shame of that situation is more insulting to me than any single slang word ever could be.


I think I’m offended that what was apparently the counterpoint missed the entire point.

Basically, it’s like people on the internet who have no problem discussing the proper way to commit genocide - but if you use any swear words while arguing against, it, well, you’re the problem, mister!


Intent matters.

A lot.

I approve of this, because it rips off the scab and forces the issue.

Fuck any GOP water carriers in the MSM who act all offended by this.


I don’t like the use of the word, however, that said, the headline is exactly what far too many people, including people in Congress and with the power to regulate our lives, believe. I’m not so certain that “honest journalism” is automatically bad. Politically correct? Nope. A statement of fact? For far too many Americans, yup!


I am particulary incensed by the use of the perfectly good and racially neutral word “niggardly,” meaning parsimonious or cheap, which has no common etymology with the “n” word [Middle English, of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse hnøggr], but is often used by on-line racists as a substitute. So much so, that I am now advised that it’s best not to use “niggardly” or niggard in writing or conversation anymore.

Racists are really fucked up people!

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“As a Black man” [note – I HATE that phrase!!!] I have no problem with this headline. You know why? He is CLEAR in what he means. He rightfully or wrongly blames racism for some of the problems this African American president has. How can you be offended because he says a phrase that you KNOW Obama’s critics have used?

No, in the context of what he is saying, I have no problem with it. I have seen and heard the “n word” used worse than this.


“In this article, however, Jim reminded me that The New York Times avoids using the word which convinced me that West View should.”

How logical.


So you used to be happy and gay, but now because racists have wrecked the word “niggardly” you are neither happy nor gay?


More hipocrisy from the “TOLERANT” Left I see. Does any body have any doubts now that Racism is a LIBERAL idea?