Which would also logically lead to drump and his charity to be under investigation.
I imagine that he may even be just a bit pleased to assist on this.
“at no time did the Trump Organization profit in any way from the foundation or any of its activities.”
That may be true, but if it is, it’s not because these people are ethical and above-board in their business dealings.
It’s because they’re inept.
”Ian Gillule, who worked for the Trump National Westchester at the time of the payment, said the donation was made explicitly to offset the increased cost of using the Trump Organization’s facilities, meaning money donated to the President’s charitable foundation would have been used to profit the President’s business.”
O. Henry: “It was beautiful and simple – as all truly great swindles are.”
(Fun Fact: An anagram for “Eric Trump” is “Rectum Rip”.)
Schneiderman (and his people) is working overtime on Trump Crime Family investigations.
You don’t understand, Beavis. We’re kickin ass and taking names of everything with a ‘Trump’ logo on it.
I’m sure it will all work its way out in the end.
I’m beginning to think Trump’s strategy against Mueller is to give him so many avenues to investigate, it’ll never get done.
Shooting feces in a barrel.
The allegation that money from the Donald Trump Foundation was donated to the Eric Trump foundation, which later bought services for excess that amount and above market price from the Trump Organization. That’s criminal money laundering.
Meanwhile, did you hear Rep. McSally in front of the Arizona Bankers Association? Somebody secretly recorded it and McSally sounded either purple with rage that people are actually showing up at her town halls, asking her questions about health care and not going away or scared shitless that nobody will pay the slightest attention “to all the good I’ve done” because she’s a Republican and to the voters all that means is ‘Trump.’
Textbook. And they probably did it in cash, depositing it in a series of $9,999 chunks.
Finally, Qusay seems to be confused about the meaning of “free of charge.”
Daddy Derp will pardon his horse-toothed troglodyte spawn anyway.
The irony being if the Trumps had stayed out of politics these things would have stayed in the shadows.
Enema of the people!
Wow, another uniquely unflattering photo of Eric.
When this whole thing started, Daddy’s run for the presidency, I didn’t think there would end up being such an endless supply.
Forbes published a lengthy investigation Tuesday detailing a spike in payments from the Eric Trump Foundation to the Trump Organization beginning around 2010, seemingly contrary to Eric Trump’s claims that he used the company’s facilities free of charge for his annual fundraisers for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Aside from any legal issues raised, the change would be notable, because free use of the facilities would be pretty much the only contribution by a Trumpp.
I looked at the foundation IRS filings during the campaign. The foundation does make large donations to St. Jude, but the money comes from the golf tournament – form other people, in other words. Eric, like papa, raises money from other people, brands it with his name, and then talks up the donations.
Yeah, I think they’re going to live to regret this little foray.
The shit might have hit the fan even earlier if Trump had actually been forced to liquidate his holdings. There’s a pretty good theory floating around (Josh mentioned it a while back) that the T.O. is a house of cards. Not quite a Ponzi scheme, but pretty close to it. The older projects are so heavily leveraged, they’re underwater, and are being supported only by money coming in on new ventures. And now that most lenders have wised up, the spigot might be running dry. Even the Russian oligarchs and mobsters aren’t complete idiots.
Why are we surprised? This whole cartel is crooked and the biggest mistake DJT did was to take the oath of office. While we are all drinking from a fire hose, this little mafia is now being exposed for what they are. A family of financial crooks who are on the verge of being exposed. Like father, like sons, daughters, and the rest of the subordinates.
We have seen this before, but never as a member of the leader of the free world.
Geez - I’m from Texas. I miss George W and his Dad, and of course, Barack.
141 days and counting. Good God This is not and cannot become normal!