This is nasty, but it’s a pretty normal attack ad.
Also, the really simple rebuttal is the truth—that she got filthy rich by making lots of speeches for big fees.
Video projection.
The GOP projection is yuuge!
I wonder how one person in the uSA federal government hands over uranium rights to the Russians? Isn’t there a senate and house of representatives that actually get a say in that matter? Oh, I forgot, they don’t do anything at all since the black guy took the presidency…
How does one get filthy rich ?
See, this is where reading tax returns comes in handy.
According to a release from the Trump campaign, the ad will air throughout the U.S. with a focus on battleground states. The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for clarification about exactly where the ad will run or the size of the ad buy.
Two days in a row. I’d like to thank TPM for helping Trump get his ads “out there” without spending a dime.
The Trump Campaign is no longer about about winning. It’s about how many “Lock Her Up” t-shirts they can sell. The more they piss off the base the better it is for business. This is going to get very ugly.
I’d never be like Hillary. If I somehow achieved notoriety, fame and respect for excelling in some field of endeavor I’d certainly turn down offers of paid speaking engagements relating to my accomplishments. Cultivating a revenue stream and monetizing your opportunities are, well, so un-American, right?
That might be a damaging argument - if it wasn’t coming from someone who only cares about power, money, and himself. And at least HRC pays tax.
This from the guy who brags about being “very, very rich” despite stiffing employees, contractors and the government on his taxes?
Okie dokie.
Constant, unrelenting projection.
We can add another moniker to Trump, Mr. Bell and Howell.
Sounds like projection, Donny.
Whereas DT only cares about himself.
So that makes HRC better because she cares about more than just herself.
Ok, it is a stretch. But really??? Hello, Pot???
Two terms:
- Cognitive dissonance
- Projection.
HAHAHAHAHAHA…ahhhh…the irony!