Discussion: New Republic Publisher Resigns Amid Misconduct Inquiry

Nope, it’s been just as prevalent and disgusting for my entire life.

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I don’t think that people who make it to the tops of power pyramids are a random bunch. The selection processes are powerful, aggression is rewarded.


Thanks. I tried to say something similar, but deleted it.


Nope and I’m all for steel toed boots.

This kind of treatment goes so far back in our history as a species that it’s been a difficult lift getting this far -

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You’re right but it’s not the only model and I think as more women move into more positions of power that could change. Women are more prone to facilitate cooperation, to build networks. It got Hillary almost elected the first woman president.

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I keep thinking about the DNC “scandal.”

Would any of the morons around here or elsewhere have accused Joe Biden of rigging the system if he had been the nominee? Or trashed him because he voted for the AUMF?

Fuck, no.


How do I find them. I am adrift in a sea of his tweets thought I had found Oct 27 and would be close…

Never mind, figured out how to click on the number etc. Sorry for being slow

This is a dangerous direction. I am an old white guy. I have never done anything like this. In all the places I work, 50% of the folks are women. They are treated professionally, as colleagues. Men go to meetings with women, men, in groups, in solo situations, in pairs. Nothing is ever even hinted. In my current place of employment, something dodgy happened a couple years ago; the guy was gone that afternoon.

This is a minority of men. It’s in the media. But most men are not like this, and saying “a lot of men” is just misandry, and it is incorrect.

I asked my wife if she ever had anything like this happen. Nope. Not in any schools or businesses she worked for. She worked in small banks and credit unions, but all the men she worked with and for did not do this kind of thing. Some were idiots, but not for the reasons of sex assault or sex mistreatment.

Yes, it happens. Yes, it is wrong. But do not start with the “majority of men”, “lot of men”, blah blah blah. That’s just a slur. Thunderclap Neuman in another blog warned about the lynch mob mentality. I’m no fan of his, but we are in agreement here - we need to say “some few men”.

Just to be clear, I am not doubting your experience. I don’t doubt that a lot of women experience this. They are not my colleagues. None of mine, including both of my bosses who are women, get this stuff from me.


Yep, and I am sure that it is not finished. Had Clarence Thomas been up at this time, things would have turned out possibly differently, especially if Anita had found a friend with the same experience. Clinton as well. Trump is not out of the woods on this - things might just be getting started. Alfred Hitchcock was a notorious sex-assaulter, and ruined several careers (Tippy Hedrin) of women who would not cooperate.

As for others, who knows? Syl Stallone? Tom Cruise? There are plenty of Big Swingin’ Dick types out there who come to mind. Sports stars? Several quarterbacks had bimbo eruptions. There may be more coming.

Once the door is opened, many will be speaking up. The cone of silence has been lifted.

Really? Was he promising them something? Were they going to get anything from boinking him?

I have no idea. I wasn’t there. Many of the women made the same kind of statements about Clinton that they are making about Weinstein. I defended him, which I bitterly regret. I lost some women friends, who I now know were right about Clinton - he is and was a pig. Weinstein’s wife left him. But Hillary did not. Funny, eh?

I will say, however, that all power differentials are morally and legally problematic. The intern was his subordinate, and that is a problem in all situations. It’s why no teacher is allowed to have sexual relations with a student, in high school, or in college. It’s called moral terpitude, and it’s a firing offense even when the teacher has tenure. John Watson, a very prominent psychologist in the 1920s, lost a tenured position for this reason, and went on to invent a lot of psychologically driven advertising.

Yeah, dude. Whatever.

Sometimes, it’s just a fling between two consenting adults.

It is hard to enter into this conversation with coming off as a man-splaner, so I will simply say that I have always tried to support the women I’ve had the privilege of working with and will continue to do so whenever necessary. Women certainly need the support of other women, but they need the support of men as well. We men need get over our own petty fears about our place in the work force pecking order and stop enabling these behaviors.

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A goodly number of them were not consenting. Clinton had bimbo eruptions all the time. He should have been charged with rape. Hillary was an accessory to his philandering. It’s one reason she lost.

My effing god. Where did you get that little piece of propaganda?

Wow. Just wow. And tell me again why she lost when more people voted for her than the serial sex abuser.

You dumbasses are pathetic.


Come on, nick. Spill. Certainly the stories are out there, and you have proof.

This may be an inept comparison, but in my mind it fits. Sexism and harassment are cultural values in the same sense as racism. Some men feel superior and entitled to behave in certain ways toward women. (Mike Pence comes to mind) Just like racism, this cultural value will take generations to eliminate, if it ever is eliminated, at all. As we’ve seen with racism, i thought most of what we’re seeing now in the era of the racist T rump cabal was long-since lost in American culture, but apparently, i don’t hang out with any racists. What we’re seeing now is new to me. That goes for the sense that sexual harassment was ever an excepted, tho secret, behavior among so many men. All that said, i do believe these pivotal demonstrations of so many “isms” is demonstrating that these patterns of behavior are gradually becoming less and less tolerated by society, in general. Progress is being made with civil rights laws. The tired cliche of two-steps forward, one step back, seems appropriate. That one step back hurts, but it reminds all of us to take another two steps forward.

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We have the same allegations with Clinton as with Weinstein. Gennifer Flowers. Paula Jones. Juanita Broderick. Many alleged force. You don’t seem to be well-informed, or were you one of those, like Carville, who said “If you drag a $100 bill through a trailer park, you’ll never know what you’ll find” - sort of a “blaming the victim” deal, eh?

I guess people continue to cut ol’ Bill a lot of slack. I will not do so any more.

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Hmmm. Those women got paid a lot of bucks to come forward. I’m sure it weighed heavily upon them.

Now tell me about Trump, who didn’t pay them off.

You won’t cut Bill any slack… Reading your bible, too? How convenient that you pick and choose the people you dislike.

As for your allegations, I’m still waiting for proof. It’s not like those other women couldn’t have come after him after all this time.