Discussion: New Republic CEO Knew 'Many Would Not Like What Was To Come'

Discussion for article #230980

Breaking: A magazine that practically nobody reads is going digital.

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“I also saw those newsrooms suffer through round after round of layoffs. I
saw resources cut. I heard prognostication that the world of publishing
was nearing its end. Only one or two of us will remain, many said. What I didn’t see is those fuckers leaving before I had a chance to fire them.”


This article reminds me of the fact that nine-tenths of an iceberg is below the water surface. And it’s not just the New Republic.

Refereed and editor-assisted thought in print will be missed, if that’s the way things are going to have to go.

The tricky thing is that those of us who grew up reading publications like the New Republic will not be affected nearly as much as those later-born people who will never have that experience.

Later-born people’s eyes start to glaze over at character 141.

I had been getting good evaluations in the classroom up until when I left in 2011. I decided to leave when my written (on paper) exercises raised some eyebrows that fall.

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