Discussion: New Records Reveal Blogger's Role In Conspiracy To Photograph Senator's Wife

Discussion for article #223331

Three dumb Tea Baggers doing something really stupid, in concert, and getting caught. Gee. Who would have guessed?


Uh huh. Three highly radicalized supporters of McDaniels conspire to smear their opponent by photographing his comatose wife who is being cared for to the tune of probably over $100K a year in order to make the case that he’s ‘abandoned’ her and is gallivanting about with a ‘younger woman’. Who is in her 60s.

And, of course, the McDaniels campaign is shocked, just SHOCKED that this is going on. If this were any other state than Mississippi, he’d be toast. Instead, it’s business as usual.


So…John Mary once co-hosted a radio show with McDaniel? How long ago was that? I mean, if we’re talking something from the 90’s, that’s one thing. But if it’s more recent, that puts him a lot closer to McDaniel than he’d probably like.

Dumb white men behaving badly…it’s a trend!


Is anyone even following this story any more?

I mean, except the two campaigns involved?

It’s GOP-SOP. Let’s please move on to something more interesting?

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I wonder if Obi Wan ever said…“May the Force be with you.”?

…ever since JarJarBush made being stupid socially acceptable.

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Mississippi Dumbass Republican Motto: “The exploitation of those with dementia in the name of liberty is no vice.”

Miss. Jed-i Yogi: “The derp is strong in these GOPigs.”

My favorite part of all this so far is he calls himself “Constitutional Clayton.”
Why not just tack on “Super Genius” at the end?

BTW: Remember that murderer Byron Looper in Tennessee who killed his GOP rival Rep. Burch? Changed his middle name legally to : “Low Tax” _______no joke!


Has FOX labeled these dumbasses “Democratic operatives” yet? If not…soon!


Miss. Republicans respond: "Thur’ aint nothin’ in the Constitution prohibitin’ me frum’ stalkin’ dementia patients. The right to stalk the ill is one of those 10th Amendment rights reserved for ‘we’uns the people’! So thar’.

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Bylaw # 1 for joining the MTP: “The Mississippi Tea Party is like the reverse of Mensa. You have to prove how stupid you are before we let you in.”

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If they wanted a picture of a demented woman, why not just fish out a stock photo of Sarah Palin, and be done with it? Duh!


Ira Glass is said to following it. I hope TPM will follow up this lead.

“May the Farce be with you” seems more appropriate in this case.

I don’t watch Faux; have they even covered this story?

Shouldn’t this story be filed under “Muckraker”? Seriously, Obi Wan Kenobi?

The only silver lining here is that these - words fail me [fuck holes?] - are going to burn in hell and here for this asinine prank. I hope there is significant jail time for all, especially McDaniels, as it seems he knew more than he’s let on. No election for you.

What do you mean trend? It’s a tradition!