Zell “Spitball” Miller!
Zig Zag Zell, that’s him. I suppose he’s not all bad. He did threaten to blast Chris Matthews.
I’m frankly getting more and more bullish on GA. At least twice now, Cornell Belcher, who worked on both Obama campaigns, has said they saw real opportunity in GA, they discussed running ads down there in both elections, but decided not to because they’d have to pull money from other states in order to advertise there. He said it was really expensive to run ads in GA, the Atlanta media market, and that was the only reason they didn’t make a play for the state. He believes that with Team Clinton pulling out of VA and CO they should be investing that money in GA because it’s ripe for the picking. Also, remember the last Democrat to have won GA was also named Clinton. If she can turn out that black vote in ATL, I have no doubt she can win the state.
He challenged him to a duel. It was fucking hilarious! I could watch that clip again and again.
And this is precisely why I’m thankful for the media’s horserace narrative. People who follow politics closely know this election isn’t close, but then we’re all going to vote, Lord willing and the creek don’t rise. However, the folks most likely to get complacent are the ones watching the evening news, the ones who see Chuck Todd shaking his head and saying it’s a close race. We NEED those folks, the ones least inclined to vote, to believe only they alone can stop Trump.
I wonder what we would see if we had more polling of the “non-battleground” states.
In the Now Cast they have South Carolina tipping slightly toward Hillary? That one seems radically optimistic–even for me. Good 'ol Alabama is still firmly at 1% for Hillary though.
And Arizona! One of the reasons I trust 538 is that Nate Silver is a conservative. He has no partisan motivation to make Democrats look good.
I am curious why there have been no updated polls in Ohio in a while now, they are all around 2 weeks old at this point.
Alas, we Dems do have a long history of complacency, especially in off-years but we’re certainly not immune in presidential years. How many people out there have regrets about 2000? I sure do, I’m a Florida voter, for God’s sake, and I’ll carry them to the grave. So never again. I couldn’t live with myself if we blow this election with so much at stake.
So at the risk – okay, certainty – of coming across as an insufferable bore, let me repeat: we all have gifts. Some of us are great at interpersonal communication, and if that’s you, try and convince a relative, a friend, a neighbor, a disgruntled Bernie supporter. Or sign up to help register voters, or to get them to the polls on election day, just a few hours of your time could make the difference. Or if you really don’t have the time and aren’t confident of your talents, make a donation. Or if you’re like me, over here in Italy where a lot of this is problematical, I’ll keep writing to editors and TV networks, you can do that too. And yes, I’ll make another donation, even though it’s tough sledding.
Matt out there in PA is busting his ass to make it happen, we need to follow his example. Poll watching won’t get us there. Doing things will.
And on the Now Cast Trump is approach the Johnson level.
– Insert Punchline Here –
Has Donna Brazile started the 50 state campaign yet? Time is a-wasting…
In May, Clinton was down only 6 in Kentucky. I’d be extremely interested to see where she is now.
I bet we’re about to get a whole slew of Ohio polls in the coming days now that the conventions are over and the dust has settled. I’m guessing several polling outfits were in the field last week.
Well, I’m a Democratic Committee person in my county so I do plenty of in-person work from canvassing to volunteering at the local Dem HQ to working directly with the campaigns. I’m also at my polling station from mid-day thru the vote count and use our “strike list” to start calling my Dems who haven’t voted by 5PM. I also recruit and train volunteers, organize GOTV on election day, and am a regular guest at my son’s high school’s Young Democrats Club (of which he’s not a member because… sports). And I do contribute to the campaigns.
Not everyone can commit that level of time or put in those kinds of hours but I am very appreciative of every single person who is able to volunteer a few hours here and there to help out. The only thing I won’t do is phone bank because I personally hate to get those calls, especially when it turns into several calls from the same campaign within a few hours.
Lots of high-profile Republicans deserted the party because of Caribou Barbie mindless babbling. The thought of that moron within the heartbeat of a 3 time cancer-survivor-old-fart of the Presidency scared the shit out them.
2012 brought them back into the party fold, but they still got smoked by Obama.
Now, they see this walking disaster, who makes Palin look almost rational by comparison, and they are apoplectic about it.
By Labor Day they will be jumping ship in droves.
Your memory is considerably better than mine because I can only recall perhaps two. (And that’s a very iffy “perhaps”.)
This will squash the talk of PA turning red (no, no it won’t).
I can’t recall any.
I’m totally okay with the horserace narrative for that very reason, but the dilemma is it always comes with the “both sides” talk. They just don’t seem to be able to resist it even with the one side of the race being a mentally fucked up fascist, and still keep talking about the emails, pushing this trustworthiness issue, AND asking her/Kaine why she have the trustworthiness issue (because you keep pushing this old nothingburger!).
As for PA – this weekend was an action weekend everywhere and here in SE PA as well. We did door-to-door and also registered new voters in the Philly area. I met with some mid-age AA folks who said they’d never voted before but this time they felt they must because “Trump is an asshole.” Anecdotal, but made me feel Trump might have done himself real permanent damage.