BIG sigh of relief from the Cheeto Donnie campaign…
start measuring the drapes in the White House…
call the election now…
Can we start talking about agricultural welfare reform, now? Get that lazy King Corn off the dole get him to stop huffing ethanol all day? Take away his minions’ deep fried sticks of butter and whatnot that are killing their hearts and pancreases and ultimately costing us effete coastal elites a lot of money?
Paging Dan Sumner.
Dan can produce, in his sleep even (poor Hyunok), the very best Chicago School (mother’s milk to the Republicans of a libertarian bent) critique of the maize welfare, and its horrid consequences all around.
Given the opportunity, I would ask,
Hey Dan (who was the chief USDA economist under George I), hasn’t NAFTA caused a horrible high incidence of damage on smallholders in Mexico, treating the maize market in the South as a sink for overproduction driven by the absurd ADM policies?
For extra credit, consider the impact of Mugabite policy on maize producers (landowners and workers) in Zimbabwe, and other instances of policies to extract surpluses from the ag sector in favor of urban consumers (workers mostly, a growing share in offices and service industries). Think post-war Burma, the Soviet Union under Stalin and the bureaucrats (and where go its successors?).
By all means ask him. Maybe he’ll ask his students. He’ll guess whence came your question.
New Poll Shows Candidates Tied In Swing State Iowa
New Poll Shows That Approximately 50% of Voters in Iowa are Complete Idiots
Hillary can almost certainly win the presidency without retaining Iowa in the blue column, but you can bet Grassley and his judge-blocking, extreme-rhetoric-embracing ass will be celebrating polls like this. Nothing can unseat this obstructionist mule.
Tied in IA? Just shows how many poor, dumb bastards inhabit the place. THE common factor in Trump support is racial animus.