Discussion: New Poll: Jeb Continues To Trail In GOP 2016 Race, Trump Holds 10-Point Lead

With a lot of money, you can turn a rough diamond into a brilliant diamond and you can even make a hunk of cheap glass look like a brilliant diamond, but no matter how much money you have, you can’t make a turd look like a diamond. Or even like hunk of cheap glass.


Not really. We don’t need two parties. At least not for a while.

How about a decade of Democratic rule to fix the tax system, and the welfare system, and the infrastructure? Then, when it is all nice and can stand on its own for 30 years or so, the GOP can come in again to kick and spit on it.


At this point I think at this point the money givers are just baffled. They are conditioned to give money to exercise their power and influence. They write check then get to tell a staffer how they want to micromanage a candidates campaign.

Trumps YUGE nearly zero cost campaign means someone writes him a check and then tries to tell him what to do he’ll hang up on them. At this point it sure seems like zombie donors giving zombie dollars to a zombie candidate. The money is fire hose sprayed into media buys which this time around sways no one

Lewis Black might be onto someone - this could be the time the GOP is ready to nominate a dead candidate. “Richard Millhouse Nixon on a hand truck - because you have to admit you’re going to turn into for the nominating acceptance speech”




Who’s laughing now?!



This is wonderful news for social and fiscal conservatives alike. John Bush the Acronym is the worst candidate for this Presidential cycle and is destroying the Republican party brand. He has seemed inexperienced, uninformed, unprepared and unqualified.


Jeb Falls To Single Digits

JEB! is so ashamed that he may decide to run under his mother’s maiden name.


Is it just me or could Dan Aykroyd play a great JEB! in some SNL sketches?


Earlier this year I kept asking myself, “Jeb is the front runner? I don’t know of a single person who is excited about his candidacy!”

It seems there were very few after all.


In fact, the very definition of a Republican.


I disagree that he’s the worst. I can’t imagine anything worse for the US or the world than Carson, Fiorina, or Cruz. And let’s not forget some of the less likely clowns like Santorum and Huckabee. When I think about the possibility that any of the current Republican candidates could win, my next happy thought is that Toronto is only a 3 hour drive away.


That’s because even the gop/bags know he’s a unelectable dumb-ass!

Should have taken your mom’s advice!


Chevy Chase could reprise his Ford role as ‘W’!
That would be too good.


How is this possible . . . after everything his brother did to keep us safe?


A very ill-advised candidacy. Given the type of (not very impressive) person Jeb! is, he would have had a great deal of difficulty being a candidate for the Presidential nomination of any political party in this coming cycle.

Add in the Trump phenomenon, almost tailor made to sabotage dweeb-like individuals (like Rand Paul), the very toxic surname of “Bush” and the near-complete impossibility of squaring the circle of combining Bagger-Base-Krazy with the necessity of actually appealing to saner people in the General…

Well, not even a more dynamic candidate (in the case of comparisons to Bush, Elmer Fudd) would be advised to throw his/her hat in the (fire) ring…

He didn’t want to be president.

I think Jebya’s $$ support continues at least until after South Carolina votes. By then more candidates will have dropped out of the race; I’m thinking Ben, Carly, possibly Cruz and Kasich, and perhaps all the other statistical pissants. Trump is an anomaly because he is largely (but not entirely) self-financing and is in the race for as long as he wishes. Establishment, Rovian GOPers will focus their support on the most likely winner of the remaining “centrists”: Rubio, Bush (possibly Kasich also). Rubio may also have Shelly Adelson’s support. Whom the Koch empire backs is interesting to consider, because their own interests don’t exactly coincide with Wall Street’s, and not at all with Adelson’s.


My bet is you will get your wish. They are letting him appear at more fund raisers now, and as the desperation increases, somebody in the Bush campaign is going to seize on it as a “really good idea”, and we will see him on the stump.

My guess is before the end of the year, and most likely in South Carolina, though possibly in NH as well. And yes, it will be a sign that the campaign has moved into desperation mode.

In my opinion, his campaign has already moved passed the point of no return. He actually now has more people saying they would never vote for him, than Trump does. They are scrambling now just to hold on to the supporters they started with…particularly the ones with decent sized checkbooks.

If you watch CNN, look for Dana Bash to be sporting a sad over the next few weeks/month. And if you read Politico, keep an eye out for stories about Bush bundlers jumping ship.


Nature and politics abhor a vacuum.

Probably the face he’d make if faced with republicans who voted for his brother who lost loved ones in 9/11, iraq and afghanistan…hey stuff happens…