Unbelievable. Sounds like a Pixar movie knock-off from North Korea.
They had a chance to be a loyal opposition party, with some ideas perhaps different than those of the opposition , but with a good chance to assume power again…or to even share it, the way in which the branches of government (fortunately) worked during some of the crises we have faced in the past.
Instead, the G.O.P. adopted a sports metaphor of losing and winning. Where there is no such thing as an almost-loss to a coach. Or an almost-win. It’s WIN or LOSE to the cretin-ized, dumbed-down mass of people this Party caters to. Which means destruction of the opposition.
If one of these Bagger zealots were to be asked why political parties in the United States are analogous to enemy nations in war, I am sure there would be the right combination of Marsha Blackburn-esque Talking Points to 'splain it…
Someone needs to occupy that empty spot on the Bush Sons Achievement Scale between George W and Neal.
It might as well be you, Jeb!
Even there own blame dubyah for 9/11. Gonna be a lonely BBQ in Houston…Jeb
I wonder why cant any of them start the campaign by distancing themselves from Dubya. He is not popular among republicans or democrats. Why would you want to go embracing his policies and calling him “He kept America safe”.
I was surprised that McCain didnt do that in 2008 or Romney in 2012. You have to state the obvious, even for conservatives.
If Harper in Canada rolled out the crackhead mayor of Toronto, surely Jeb can rely on the greatest of big bro’s administration to make the case. Condi Mushroom Cloud Rice? Dick Why-is-he-not-in-prison Cheney? Hell bring out Paul Wolfowitz to lie and lick his comb. What do you have to lose?
b/c there being advised by the same losers that lead to their lose in 08’. They keep hiring losers to run their campaigns
Stalin said that, on 20 June, 1941.
In Russia.
No. Tell me this is a parody.
What happened to his Right to Rise™ slogan? Is he no longer going for the Viagra vote?
and the rock JubJub likes to sun bathe on will keep us safer than W
Pretty great days to watch Moderate GOPers losing their keisters!
Not even republicans want to hear for the next four years how great President George W. Bush was by his brother. Well, maybe some republicans do, but the majority of republicans don’t want to listen to the Iraq war soundtrack every few minutes.
Anywhere else BUT New Hampshire, the money train would have been effective.
Still want to diss NH primary?
Shorter version of this article:
Jeb! Down!
Barely edging out Huckabee! Holy shit! Huckabee only runs to keep his name in the “news”, not because he thinks he has a snowball’s chance in hell to win…then again the more I see and hear of Jeb the more I think he’s an even more complete idiot than Dubbya…still, holy shit
*Some snark required.
Too soon. Too soon. he needs to be the GOP nominee
There’s always hypnosis.
But, but , but… He’s a Bush!! The presidency is his by right of birth!!!
So much for the “Smart one.” The Republicans need to be told that putting a pair of glasses on doesn’t make one smart or even appear to be smart.