Stop the good news! I am floating away!
Latina’s love me!
Gives me some hope, a little hope that this country has not gone completely batshit crazy. They have been blanketing the airwaves for the last three months with anti Trump ads with only now the occasional pro Trump or Anti Clinton Pac ads. We don’t want to see any more British tabloid headlines “How could 300 million people be so stupid” like after Bush in 2004
Looking at the current polling VA and Florida have moved firmly into the Hillary camp. The battle is now centered in Arizona, Georgia, South Carolina and Missouri. I can hear Republicans every where crying things were going great “'Til the landslide brought me down.” Apologies to Fleetwood Mac.
No relaxin’ till November 9th
Excellent. I’ve thought FL was out of reach for Trump for some time. The Hispanic vote is obviously very important in FL, and Obama either just barely lost or just barely carried even the historically Republican Cuban vote. There’s no way Trump can overcome the deficit he will have among minority voters in a state where it can win or lose an election. Plus, we can’t forget that minority voters are almost always underpolled and undersampled. In a state like FL, that could be pretty significant.
PPP has Trump up by only 6 in Texas. I wonder about the effects of underpolling in that state as well.
RNC is still trying to woo Hispanic voters
“As we at the RNC continue to deepen our commitment to engaging with the Hispanic community, we are expanding our efforts in social media to generate greater conversation and understanding of what the Republican Party stands for,” GOP Chairman Reince Priebus said in a statement announcing the campaign’s launch.
Too little too late.
November 9th is when the civil war starts. Remember what Roger Stone said…“a bloodbath”
now, let’s beat Rubio at the same time, please!
RNC outreach = mass deportations and building the dang wall. Outreach, damn it, outreach!
If the RNC actually succeeds in generating greater understanding of what the Republican Party stands for its support with the Hispanic community will set unimaginable record lows.
My gosh, Texas is within reach. Florida is looking good. Same for Virginia. I’m optimistically giddy.
Little Marco: Conman isn’t popular here but I support him. I also like being a private citizen.
The polls are skewed. Trump is really winning. He should stick to his current strategy. Anything else would be 'dishonest."
Trump: This is good news for me. My next contract for The Apprentice will be over $1 billion.
AJ -
Which network do you suppose will, if he loses, contract a new show for Trumpunsel?
yeah, FLA. so not texas.
Ailes is supposedly “advising” Trump. If so, he’s doing a hell of job.