Discussion for article #242777
I hope they’ll march to that judge’s house who took that child from her home because the parents were —GASP! — lesbians.
The blowback has caused speculation that Mormon leaders will tweak the
policy. Church spokesman Eric Hawkins didn’t immediately have any
LDS Cult member said what? Fucking American Taliban.
With pitchforks and torches. I’m tired of being nice about it. Fucking religious freaks.
Who cares what stupid cultists believe?
Mormon Leaders will “tweak” the policy the moment it starts costing them MONEY.
Not before.
Meanwhile, Mormon religious moderates are practicing backflips and headstands trying to avoid the internal conflict that would arise if they actually thought about their religion upbringings. Rather like American Catholics, who have had generations of practice in enjoying the warm blanket of religious belonging while ignoring the realities of adhering to a Medieval belief system in the modern age. “Blessed are those that have seen, and yet do not believe.” (Realitudes 1:1)
Tweak the policy.
What a stout religion.
I guess not even Mormons are good with visiting the sins of the father on his children.
Thunderclap, I’ll go you one further: I believe in the long run it would be best if these kids rejected organized religion altogether. But in the short term, they have to deal with the situation they are in.
Kids can be mean and say hurtful things to each other, but being told you are inferior by your church leaders could be pretty damaging. And if you living in a Mormon community, being a Mormon opens doors that these kids would be shut out of.
Right. Punish the children for the “sins” of their parents. What could possibly be the downside of that?
In the long run, I have to agree with frustum - if this tips those kids away from organized religion, society is better off. And if it makes their gay parents realize that clinging to the church is a lost cause, better still. But in the meantime, they are being put through some completely undeserved suffering.
Every pair of missionaries who engage me get a generous smile and a heap of shit about their church’s role in getting Prop. 8 passed in California. I tell them that it was “unforgivable”. They flinch at that word, involuntarily.
Let us remember that the LDS Church was one of the major funders of the prop 8 campaign in California. They’re being consistent here.
If they want to deny children of same-sex couples the rites of the Church – that is the church’s right under the Constitution.
I defend they’re right to do this under the Constitution – while at the same time, I think it is a wrong and misguided policy. I think this will come back to haunt the CLDS. After all, we are talking about a church who didn’t think black people would be allowed into heaven – until they changed that policy somewhere around the late 70s. If they do this, I hope these families will go to other churches which are open and accepting and give them full rites of worship.
The blowback has caused speculation that Mormon leaders will tweak the policy.
Why not? The entire religion is one big huge tweak.
Simples - get out of that ’ religion ’ and start your own ’ religion ’ .