Discussion: New Mexico Lawmaker: Rape Is Sometimes 'Just Drunken College Sex'

Discussion for article #234146

At a New Mexico House Judiciary Committee hearing last week state Rep. Ken Martinez (D) said “rape is defined in many ways and some of it is just drunken college sex.”

No, Congressman, rape is defined in one way only:

VERB (typically of a man) force (another person) to have sexual intercourse with the offender against their will: “the woman was raped at knifepoint.”

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Yeah, um, male politicians–trying to nuance “rape” is not really a winning strategy. Ever.


What a fucking idiot. Proof that being a dumbs shit and sexist pig is (alas) sometimes a bipartisan affair.


He said without consent. Read the whole phrase he said


Inartfully stated, but accurate. Sometimes a situation that is defined post hoc by the woman as “rape” was actually just drunken sex. This is 100% true.

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He said a definition of rape is just drunken college sex without consent. Which I agree with. If the woman has sex drunk and she does not give her consent than yes it is rape.

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This was a stupid statement.

But this guy is not a US Congressman - he is state legislator - a small fish in a small pond - so - why do we have to keep sensationalizing every stupid thing that is said by every loose tongued - un-thinking lowly state legislator … typically these are political novices who serve in these part time roles - the have other jobs and they often say some of the dumbest things - not because they are colossally stupid to the core - but because they are unpolished & tend not to think before they start babbling away -


Apologize and clarify, you nitwit. Don’t make it about either yourself or your political opponents.

And, whatever you intended to say after “drunken college sex”, you already screwed up by putting the “just” in front of it.


Proof that idiocy is not confined to the Republican Party. Although it is much more prevalent there.

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Don’t use the words ‘rape’ and ‘just’ in the same sentence and you’re on more solid ground. “Rape can be drunken college sex without consent”… doesn’t sound nearly as demeaning or dismissive.


Republicans are hammering the state lawmaker over his comments…

Hypocrisy in action.

The depth of the sincerity of conviction behind the Republican attacks is palpable, even at this distance.

Before jumping on him, just be aware that if he’s right that part of his sentence was cut out of the quote, he actually is off the hook and his critics will be the ones apologizing.

LOL at the utter hypocrisy of Republicans getting all offended at this when this is more typically their refrain. Hmm, was Martinez just messin’ with 'em?

Exactly. The guy’s moron for saying ANYTHING to do with rape regardless of whether the “without the ability to consent” was cutoff or not. It was insensitive to say the least. Didn’t this guy see what the Dems did to Akin in '12? Did he somehow think that the issue of rape was just bulletproof for Dems? He needs to apologize now.

What he should have said is “rape is what is decided in a court of law by lawyers and prosecutors, not by assistant professors of kinesthesiology”

Jebus Cripes! When will these rape apologists stop minimizing a hideous, violent crime??

#Rape. is. rape.


Yours is the only statement anyone needs to read and heed. TPM seems to want us to respond to every sensational story, but there’s no reason to. Tomorrow will be another outrage.
