Discussion: New Emails Suggest Fla. Officials Could Not Discuss Climate Change

Discussion for article #235404

The second rule of climate change denial is YOU DO NOT TALK ABOUT CLIMATE CHANGE DENIAL!!


“He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past.”
― George Orwell, 1984

“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.”

― George Orwell, 1984

“If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.”
― George Orwell, 1984**


We all know that sea levels are rising because dumb Californians are pouring water into their side of the ocean. What else explains their shortage.


we didn’t think you’d notice… we’re just looking for attention, there’s no drought


Climate change is only one aspect of science that many people deny.
They’ll say “Well, it’s only a theory” as if a theory has no standing. There are lots of theories in science. They way the scientific method operates is someone formulates a hypothesis and then goes about testing it by experimentation. At the end of his life gallileo observed that falling bodies will accelerate at the same rate regardless of their mass. Later, Newton applied mathematics to attempt to explain this observation and he formulated a theory of gravity to explain the observed facts. More recently Einstein greatly improved on Newton’s work. So… the present explanation we have for the observed attractions between objects with mass is a THEORY. But I would not suggest the science deniers test it by stepping out a 7th story window.


Oh why not?


If it weren’t for all the innocent people who would be harmed, I’d just advocate letting Florida and all its science-denying politicians fall victim to that which cannot be named.


Seriously. Go test it out, wingers!

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Given the prevalence of sinkholes in Florida, the two explanations are not mutually exclusive!

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Brought to you by the Florida Department of LA-LA-LA-LA-LAHH-LAHH-I-CAAN’T-HEAR-YOU

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The correct term is Global Warming.

You say it’s not advisable for Climate Deniers to test the Theory of Gravity supported by sound experimental evidence to step out of a 7th story window to test it, however I really wish they would, especially those with a seat in the US Congress.

Why the hell not? I can’t think of a more appropriate course of action.


(now I have to be more descriptive? I weep for the death of snark!)

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Not really.
Warming certainly describes what is happening, but that in turn affects weather patterns and effects that are not necessarily understood at this time. The side-effects of “global warming” may well be more disruptive than the higher temperature, thus “climate change” is a better description for what is happening to us.
And really; what matters more than us?!?!?.

Most irritating aspect of this: every time there is some freak low-temperature event we have to listen to ‘those people’ mansplain how this proves that global warming is a hoax.
I’m looking at you Senator Inhofe, and especially lying blonde lady on MSNBC commercials for fracking.


btw; you scored some big time points there.with that comment.

I was thinking of possible collateral damage when they hit the sidewalk. Should a rube GOPer decide to actually test the Theory of Gravity I would hope they would follow the Mythbuster’s dictum of “We’re experts. Don’t do this at home” I prefer fake movie carnage to the real McCoy.