Discussion: New Docs Show Florida Official Didn't Hesitate To Yank Poll Site From Mosque

So what’s the stick? More Republicans just walking away from their self made sh*t cake?

Republican like to suppress the Dem vote with voter ID laws. Dems could suppress the Republican vote by putting polling places into as many Mosques as possible.


You don’t respond to bigotry by caving in. You stand up to it.


Do not ever cave in to bigots/nazi creeps.I tell you this from experience.
I am Jewish and the son of a Holocaust survivor born in 1956.All thru the 60’s I was bullied and beaten up for being Jewish.
Then in 1968 when I was 12 I picked the biggest meanest guy and jumped up to punch him in the face.I got beaten up for this but it did feel good and from then on I kicked ass.I did not ever take shit from those antisemitic assholes.

Stand strong brothers and sisters.Do not let yourself be pushed around.


What a disgrace America has become…and yet every church in America can be used for a polling site but a mosque can’t?..I seriously doubt the mosque would have been the only polling site in the area. What a disgrace white christian America has become…a disgrace.


It’s Florida, the bar for adult behavior is set awfully low, and yet Susan Bucher managed to limbo under it. Shameful!

Does South Florida still use “butterfly” ballots to confuse the retirees?

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“And they’ll know we are Christians by our love…”

Maybe it’s just as well to move it – some Christianist extremist might come through the polling place with an AR-15.

I wonder if I should file a complaint that my local polling place is in a Baptist Church? Those guys make me feel uncomfortable.

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