New Details Emerge
Hi-Def … ? ? …
say it isn’t so ! ----
** with Jon Stewart Daily Show accent **
Go on!
“The Falwells were impressed by the pool boy”, or to put it biblically “the Falwells [lusted] for the pool boy”.
Let’s stipulate that there are photos of a three-way with the Falwells and the pool boy. But to go maximalist liberal on this story: who cares. If a married couple want to get their freak on while on vacation then I say they should go for it. If everyone lived their lives by the Dan Savage code of morals and ethics we’d all be happier and a lot more sexually satisfied.
Who cares part 2. I do delight in exposing the hypocrisy. But does the exposed hypocrisy really change things at any level? Tom Arnold is right when he says that evangelicals are a lot more kinky than everyone else. Every evangelical I’ve ever really known will screw anything that moves and some things that don’t. That applies equally to the women as it does to the men. Also, sexual behavior that used to be frowned on is now the norm. Look at Trump, Donald for more evidence. Even if the photos come out it doesn’t change anything for the Falwells, Trump, or Liberty University. The sun will come up tomorrow, and Nancy Pelosi will still be against impeachment.
If racy photos of Falwell exist would someone on TPM write about them?
I don’t want to see them.
“risqué resort” ???
I like the ring of that - can we see the pictures, please ?
Lordy, I hope there are (video) tapes.
The problem is if Cohen/Trump leveraged the situation to force Falwell to cease supporting Cruz in Trump’s favor. Blackmail.
My bet is that Falwell likes to play cuckold… giving a literal meaning to “cuckservative”…
I’m with you, brother! (Or sister!)
Those two gentlemen would not even dream doing such a thing…
I agree with you, but for one thing – exposing sexual misconduct among evangelicals, even if there is some sort of tacit agreement that “everybody does it” – has consequences. Ask Jerry Falwell, Bill Hybels, Ted Haggard, Paul Crouch, Lonnie Latham, and Eddie Long. further, it chips away at their claims of rectitude with the rest of the population who has not been paying attention to their rampant hypocrisy. It’s a good thing. Really.
Hypocrisy- the 8th deadly sin.
What, exactly, is new. In this story? That Granda wasn’t the person in the photos or the extortionist?
@choska- I would normally agree with everything you say, but no. Not after the Clinton Impeachment, Drunk Rapey Brett Kavanaugh on the Starr Team and now on the SCOTUS. Not after Jerry Fallwell Jr inheriting a university presidency (are there no fucking standards in the US about this? I mean, really!) and self appointing as a moral authority. And lets not talk about how Robert Kraft got a 1% exception for GOP loyalists to the law in Florida that would mean the video of the illegal encounter should be made public.
Here is some news:
“… Falwell issued a shocking endorsement of President Trump …”
Because I want these particular foul hypocrites, homophobes, grifters, and enabling racists to be ruined. That work?
Yep, because Pelosi and Democrats are the problem, while we should ignore Republicans and not even bother discussing their scandals. This is one of the reasons Republicans can win elections, due to people who think we should only shoot our own side because they don’t attack Republicans enough, while giving a pass to everything Republicans do.
Meanwhile, in reality, it’d be bad for Trump, Falwell, and Liberty University if all this gets confirmed. Will Trump’s numbers get much worse? Doubtful, but only because he’s already so unpopular due to all the other terrible stories that get reported.
Tom Arnold…