Both require more serious, structural remedies, rather than small fines.
Yeah, empty the bank accounts of the CEO and board. Take it all. And then put them in jail for a bit.
On the campaign trail, or on television attacking Democrats’ corruption, Republicans keep talking about the rule of law. In office, they keep working to subvert it, so long as their buddies are the ones violating the law.
The whole C-suite.
And the shareholders that put them there.
Sanctioning the company only, harms investors who weren’t party to the decision-making. May as well go after the bad actors and their associates*.
(* Many of whom are C-level at companies for which the first group of C-level folks are on the Board. It’s a happy little back-scratching circle - smashing the entire practice/culture flat would have a host of positive effects on the economy.)
ETA - I’d like to see some form of blacklisting, too. I.e. by employing any of them as executives or board members makes the organization subject to stringent annual audits. Costly, time-consuming and with a tendency to turn up any skeletons - better for the bottom line to simply avoid them like plague.