Discussion: New Clinton Fundraising Tool Auto-Donates Every Time Trump Tweets

Hmmm, this seems ripe for shenanigans on Trump’s part unless the $$$ or number of tweets are capped. I’d hate to sign up for a one dollar contribution and read that Trump had somehow auto-published 42,000 tweets in an afternoon.


People who can afford to max it out, go for it! :smile:


Shall we play a game?
Woww! Love to. How about global thermonuclear war?

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Isn’t that the point, though? Every time he tweets he’s sending more money to Hillary’s war chest.

I’m not nearly rich enough to sign up for this, but it’s kind of genius - in a click-bait, gotcha kind of way.



Just imagine his cheezy orange face getting darker and darker as he sits there, finger poised above his phone, muttering “must not tweet, must not tweet…”.

Of course, if Ivanka and Kellyanne make sure his toy is taken away from him and he’s been locked in his room, it might be kept under control.

But my bet is, it will be like dynamiting the Hoover Dam…




Wowee…that’s sure to break someone’s piggy bank in no time.

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I like the Mr. Pennypockets graphic.


Who has this much money who’s not already maxed out?

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This is just war-room talk.


It’s genius until that person of semi-modest means thinks a one dollar commitment might cost him but a few hundred dollars at worst over the course of the next 2-1/2 weeks. Only then to discover the $42,000 missing from his checking and savings accounts.

I have to believe there are caps involved.

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I donated to Obama’s 2008 campaign every time there was a fundraising email following another news story about an alleged racial slur. By the time I was done, I’d exceeded the donation limit – and it didn’t get refunded. It was automatically rolled into some other democratic entity. That debt is still carried on my credit card! I felt compelled at the time, and while I certainly am aware now that I was being heavily manipulated, I still feel it was worth it if it helped Obama get elected. However, I would never subject my economic well being to the (lack of) impulse control of Donald Trump – even as much as I want to see Hillary win and Trump humiliated. I think its kind of disgusting how the campaigns take advantage of our emotions. Trump’s chumps are subject to the same emotional appeals – and Bernie’s small donors (many of whom were unemployed) were really played there at the end. Since donating in the early stages of the primary, I am now receiving at least a dozen emails per hour from Clinton and national and state democrats, gun control lobby, climate change, Citizens Untied – and still Obama, Michelle. Biden etc. Its an avalanche – and I cannot afford do go there this time. At some point, I have to say, it just stops being effective – at least for me.

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Of course they have daily caps. The lowest is $3.00 per day and you can stop it at any time. 20 days until the election, $3.00 a day = $60.00.
Just for the schadenfreude I can do that!


You can set the amount you want to contribute per tweet (as low as $.50) and a daily donation limit of $3, $5, $10 (I think) or “other.” But there’s no apparent way to set an overall cap. So, about 20 days left, that means you could set a max limit at $60 ($3/day) no matter how many times he tweets during that period. It isn’t clear though what might happen if you don’t set a cap and pick an amount that would end up maxing out your federal contribution limit. Nor is it clear that this is only through November 8, or whether it will continue thereafter. I assume that there’s a way to “unsubscribe” at any time.



That is considerate of them. Thank you for posting the details, and the article definitely should have mentioned that. I didn’t even click on the link since I am already contributing on regular basis.

This is GENIUS :joy::joy::joy: No one lacking deep pockets is going to sign up for anything more than $3 a day. But think how awesome it will be for the HRC campaign to continually be tweeting this POS updates on how much money his bullshit laden Twitter feed is putting in their pockets :joy::joy::joy:. This is AWESOME

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Campaign finance laws, for one thing, will mean that you’d have to pre-determine your max donation, either at the limit or the limit minus what you’ve already donated.

But even without that, nobody would ever agree to this unless they knew what it was going to be capped at. There won’t be any surprises, no matter what The Donald does. This is more about trolling and keeping his Twitter temper tantrums in the spotlight than it is about fundraising.

Great idea! But Election Day is less than 3 weeks away. Does she need more money? Can she spend more than she has? (I realize that she needs money in the bank to pay the lawyers when a new hanging-chad controversy erupts.)

There’s also a dropdown where you can set your own limit.