Discussion: New Analysis: Even South Carolina And Kanas Aren't Sure Bets For Trump

South Carolina: too small for a republic, too large for a lunatic asylum.


You betcha, ever been to Northern Wisconsin? Appalachia north.


I’m a bit baffled by this. Kansas always votes for the worst potential outcome. Why wouldn’t they vote for Trump here?


Hillary’s team isn’t doing a good job reaching out to young people?

She won’t be. She’s going to want to get stuff done. I want to see her, her staff and the DNC keep the ground game going strong so there is no chance of repeat of the embarrassingly low turnout 2010 and 2014 mid-terms which gave rise and confirmation to the tea party.

Progressive voters … turnout is a must and in every election, not just presidential elections. Democracy is not a spectator sport. Those who show up set the direction, the pace, the agenda and make the rules. It’s a fact, not my opinion.

One excellent example; students … do you want that student debt relief that you absolutely deserve and is way overdue at this point in time? Great. You need to go out there and take it because it isn’t going to fall out of the sky.


You can’t reach out to people who’ve been repeatedly told you’re the anti-Christ. From what I’ve seen, she’s been doing everything she can to reach out to them over and over again, but Sanders really demonized her in the primary and turned too many against her permanently. It never ceases to amaze me the right wing bullshit they believe about her. I’m talking everything from her laughing about a 12 year old being raped to murdering Vince Foster. And again this is coming from the left.


This is the very first tweeter campaign. Alt-right is considered mainstream. America is about as polarized as anyone can imagine. Bottom line. Everyone for him or herself.

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Come on, you guys.

Don’t go all soft on communist Russia now. Tell Putin, “No!”

Vote for Republicans down ticket, but don’t pull that lever for Trump. Put America first.

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You are really a modern American. Blame somebody, anybody but yourself. Never ever acknowledge that you might be at least partially responsible.

Lets face it, the Democratic establishment is playing a short game based on traditional identity politics. Hillary won’t lose but I am afraid we won’t break the back of the Republican party. We are looking at years more of the kind of gridlock the establishment loves.

The same young people flirting with minority parties will be available to the Republicans if they pull their heads out of their collective asses.

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You say this without even a hint of irony as you blame me! LOL That’s awesome.You asked me a question, I answered it honestly, and your response is to bitch that I’m somehow the problem because establishment and “identity politics”.


You and Thomas Franks.

You are quick to blame Sanders but slow to admit you were one of the people bashing Bernie supporters who didn’t jump for Hillary. Maybe just, maybe, Hillary is responsible for not reaching out to Bernie supporters before Bernie got traction. Her choice to ignore young people not Bernie’s. He just recognized a hole in the establishment thinking.

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Perhaps polarized is not the exact word, as that was true when it was Ds vs. Rs. But the poll (polls, actually in the link) I reference above includes Johnson and Stein. I think a lot of people think that those people might drift back to one camp or the other come election time. I’m not so sure, but who knows?

But centrist dems just find it easier to shoot the messenger than to do any self-examination. And I fear HRC still doesn’t get it: she just named the pro-pipeline, pro-fracking, pro-TPP lobbyist Ken Salazar to head her transition team.

Nothing that was posted on this comments board had any affect on voting numbers.

It’s the same old disingenuous argument and it doesn’t even fit the facts. She had the same tuition policies Bernie had. All of her proposals are just as progressive as Bernie’s but youth don’t know that because Bernie painted a picture of her as a Corporate Crook and that’s what the problem is. You just keep going over the same old “you hurt our feelings” ground when much worse was done to Hillary than ever was done to Bernie.


Slightly off-topic, but so funny I have to share. The NYC Parks Department put out an explanation for removing the Orange Naked Trump statue from Union Square Park:

“NYC Parks stands firmly against any unpermitted erection in city parks, no matter how small,” said Sam Biederman, a parks spokesman.

Who knew NYC Parks had such an excellent sense of humor?


I’m not going to relitigate the primary with you people, but the fact of the matter was that I didn’t turn on Bernie supporters until they turned on me and anyone who dared to support HRC. I won’t apologize for that. Nor will I apologize for criticizing those who threaten the health and safety of the all the minorities in this country by using their vote as cudgel to beat people over the head with and demand some sort of unearned respect they’ve never afforded others. The remaining Bernie or Busters hate Hillary in large part because of Bernie and other Bernie or Busters. They created a Tea Party like impenetrable bubble in which facts no longer mattered. The girl I mentioned earlier, the one who hates Hillary because she laughed about a 12 year old getting raped, that has nothing to do with Hillary supporters. That’s other Bernie or Busters who ran around spreading right wing lies for nearly a year.

And she never ignored young people, she went to college after college and sought after their vote mightily. I don’t even know where or how you came up with that. I doubt you do either.


From a practical retail politics standpoint, changing from “likely Republican” to “leans Republican” is a distinction without much of a difference. The chances of taking either state are very slim, and I hope that the Clinton campaign doesn’t divert meaningful resources from far more winnable states like Ohio or Florida or NC or PA for a very slight chance of taking Brownbackistan or the Wingnutto State.


She has the vast majority of millennial voters.


Well, having seen the sculpture, if that’s an erection, Trump has a lot more over-compensating to do still.

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Bullshit, just like most of the swill you post.

Salazar is only co-chairing the transition. He is not dealing with policy, nor will he be in the cabinet.
His personal views are immaterial.