Discussion: #NeverTrump Ringleader Bill Kristol Softens Hard Line: 'Never Say Never' (VIDEO)

Well, Kristol’s always right about everything, so naturally he’ll support Trump.


ETA the correct image…

Just don’t ask where they got the santorum topping

@pb and @jonfuller: a broken clock has to make a commitment. Kristol proves here that he can’t.

Never say never…say weasel

Trump epitomizes modern social and fiscal conservative values and ideology and appeals to conservative voters who despise what folks like Bill Kristol, Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell represent. Trump not only walks the conservative walk but more importantly he talks the talk.

Trump is more tolerant than Nixon, he is more charismatic and coherent than Reagan (PBUH), he is smarter than George Bush the Poppy and George Bush the Dumb Torturer combined, he is less grumpy than John McCain and he is richer and a better human being than Mitt Romney.