Discussion: #NeverTrump Ringleader Bill Kristol Softens Hard Line: 'Never Say Never' (VIDEO)

If Bill Kristol were your personal physician and said you were in perfect health, you would pray for enough time to call your significant other and say goodbye.

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Heā€™ll change his mind again on the train to the campsā€¦

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So there is a bright side to all this. We get to observe the common GOP tapeworm in itā€™s natural habitat. When required to reverse direction, itā€™s capable of amusing contortions.

Bill Kristol: Wrong!! Again!!

Ringleader ? Kristol ? you must be kiddingā€¦

When is Romney going to cave? Or did he already?

ā€œRepublicanismā€ is what Mickey Edwards called this stuff. Itā€™s not Conservatism. Itā€™s just GOP. If Kristol had Conservative roots heā€™d oppose Trump no matter what party Trump claimed to be a member of. Kristol is a Republicanā€¦and GOP is all that matters to him. He wants a GOPā€™er, no matter what beliefs the GOPā€™er holds, to be in the White House.

I think that will figure into the GOP Autopsy in November. They donā€™t really stand for anything anymore. Itā€™s not demographics. Itā€™s them.


What is the point, Bill? The Trumpster isnā€™t going to listen to neocons. You will get nothing out of supporting him.

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Kristol, like his father, is just a neo-conservative Zionist, who will change his stripes at the drop of a hat.

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Integrity is also something that never could co-exist with bloody Bill Kristol, who has never seen a war he doesnā€™t want to send somebody else to fight and die for.


ā€œFor me, itā€™s more a matter of character.ā€

Coming from bloody Bill Kristol, cheerleader of war, torture and destruction, the irony of this is hard to fathom.


Big lips Kristol will be first in line to kiss Trumpā€™s ass at the convention!

That flaccid bag of words couldnā€™t lead a bathtub ring.

I wouldnā€™t be surprised to learn that he was chief of staff for VP Dan Quayle andā€¦what?..no shit? No wonder he saw merit in Palin.

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Just saw Mike Leavitt of Utah in much the same hypocritical mode: ā€œIf Donald Trump can now show the depth of character and thought it takes to be commander in chief, I could support him.ā€


Itā€™s as though the ENTIRE LIFE OF TRUMP didnā€™t existā€¦ Only the next few months of Trump miming ā€˜presidentialā€™ characteristics matters.
Damn what a bunch of hypocrites.


The #NeverTrump crowd are going to relabel themselves #NeverMindWhatWeSaidBefore.

When it comes to Kristol ever getting a clueā€¦Iā€™ll go out on a limb and say never.

Hate to be really crude here, but Kristol will service anyone and everyone on the broken clock theory (if you keep at it long enough, you will be right twice a day).

Whatā€™s that on your face, Bill? Here, take a hanky - you need to wipe your mouthā€¦

Well, in fairness to Bill, heā€™s pretty used to being wrong. Iā€™d say heā€™s downright comfortable with it. In fact, itā€™s his wheelhouse.