Discussion: #NeverTrump Diehard Ben Sasse Calls For Third Party Candidate

Republicans did not reject Trump, Democrats did not reject Clinton. Who is this “we” stuff kemosabe?


Sasse takes himself out of the running by noting that the third party
candidate “can’t be an engaged parent with little kids” because of how
rigorous a presidential campaign is.

He signs off his post by saying that “the kids need baths.”

Damn it, Washington is broken, broken, BROKEN! Someone else fix it though, my kids need baths!


Those who backed losers always assume that most other people did too; somehow the winners won by cheating or something, and there simply must be a way to rally all those many fellow losers to victory.


“the kids need baths.”

Help us, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re our only hope…


Yeah, come on Sasse step up. Resign your Senate seat and run third party. It would be a win win, you wouldn’t be our Senator anymore and maybe you would split the local Republican vote enough to let Hillary pick up Omaha. Then we could have given our Electoral Vote to both the first Black President AND the first Women President and wouldn’t that be awesome?


You see, this is the problem with Republican big thinking…

You won’t stop Trump one third party candidate. You need 12 or 13. If I were a big thinking Republican (like my daddy before me), I’d find me a whole slew of presidential wanna-bes. Maybe a couple Cuban-Americans, an African-American doctor, brothers of former presidents, there have to be guys like that in the Republican party willing to save America by stopping Trump and Hillary. Patriots willing to buck the establishment by forming political party alternatives to the status quo.


“the kids need baths.”

This could be very Duggar-ish.



Sasse takes himself out of the running by noting that the third party candidate “can’t be an engaged parent with little kids” because of how rigorous a presidential campaign is.

Malia Obama was ten when her father became president in '08.

Sasha Obama was seven when her father became president in '08.

Thank you Google


if he gets his wish wouldn’t it be a TURD Party candidate at this point?

Caroline Kennedy was 2 and John Kennedy hadn’t even been born when JFK was elected in 1960.


Sasse takes himself out of the running by noting that the third party candidate “can’t be an engaged parent with little kids” because of how rigorous a presidential campaign is.


I suppose it is wise to question the sanity and propriety of someone leading this nation that has brought children into the world. What are kids FOR, exactly? You know, their purpose?


Sasse just wants a different Republican as their standard-bearer, but one that can snooker the public by running and calling themselves an Independent. Too late Sasse. Your party’s base has made their decision known.

This is the kind of small government, small minded Republican he is. Following his first year in office he voted like this: (Wikipedia)

In 2016, Sasse was the only senator from either party to vote against the Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act, which was intended to address abuse of heroin and opioid drugs by providing funds to the states for treatment and prevention programs and by making the anti-overdose drug naloxone more widely available to first responders and law enforcement agencies. Sasse stated that he was “distressed by opioid abuse”, but questioned whether drug treatment should be addressed at the federal level.

Wow, dude…how mavericky of you, and also how short-sighted and stupid you’ve already shown yourself to be. He may be young but he’s more like a Governor Le Page in the early stages of development. Gee, can’t wait to see how many other good gov’t ideas he’ll be against in the coming years in office.


Though I know the answer, that’s what I can’t understand in regards to this ‘Broadway showboating’.

Even if one is unaware of JFK, for Sasse to state that someone can’t be an engaged parent is a joke, when Obama has technically gone through more than basically any US president short of maybe five (Lincoln,Reagan,Jackson,Clinton and Ill add him) and the amazing part is that though people called him every derogatory term short of ‘Child of God’, he still shows for work.

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…and Chelsea Clinton was 12 when Big Bill became president.


The Republican party is the party of white male racist sexist and they have selected the guy running the most overtly white racist and male sexist campaign, although the others were close. So why do they think a third person stands any better chance than who won? The fact that they say they are surprised at who the majority of republican voters makes me think they are either dumber than I think they are or they are just surprised that their voters are too dumb to realize that a white male racist sexist can’t win in the final election.

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and all of a sudden that Limbaugh flashback just hit me.


Yeah, well, this is probably a cat who prophesied doom and gloom with Obama, so he should just shut up and vote for Hillary. Democrats always have to clean up GOP messes.

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