Discussion: Never-Trumper Mitt Romney Offers Gloomy Best Wishes For Trump

He’ll still get tax cuts so what does he care? His policies 4 years ago were almost identical to Trump’s.


Because I think maybe Romney is actually not a horrible person. Anyone who isn’t fairly despicable sees Trump’s election for the shitshow that it is.


Maybe kinda wishing you’d endorsed HRC now, huh? Told your fellow decent human beings to employ logic and sense rather than resentment and rage when casting their ballots? Reminded the wealthy that tax cuts ain’t worth a damn when your stock portfolio is tanking alongside the dollar?

I’m glad you understand the enormity of what happened last night, because you’re going to be living the next four years here with us in Trumpland.


A little passive aggressive there hey Mitt?

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Speaking of non-endorsements by Trump-haters, where is Bill Weld? Did he congratulate Trump yet?
Did he tell Gary the news?


“Oh…was the election yesterday?” -GJ


It OK Mitt, your guy will do his best to retain an economy of which you and the rest of the % will flourish…

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Is this the same Mitt Romney who begged Birther Trump in 2012 to endorse him for President? Thank-you, thank-you, Mitt Romney.


Shorter Romney; “how in the world can this fool win and I lost?”


Ironic that Romney got more votes than Trump.


Its the woman against pig thing.

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OK, speaking of Romney, I have a constitutional question. Could, say, the California component of the Electoral College announce that they planned to vote for Romney instead of Clinton (maybe with Biden as VP as a sort of Unity Ticket), then try to get the Colleges at the other Clinton states to sign on, and then see how many anti-Trump Republican members would come aboard? I am not thrilled with a Romney presidency but given the alternative…

America just elected the darling of the KKK.

ait it?


too little time to explain in full, but simply: when have ya known a modern day Republican to be a faithless elector?

the rich aren’t really like you n me.

just a reminder

It would have been interesting if Mitt entered the race this year as the other 15 were falling by the wayside. I’m sure Trump would have come up with some schoolyard name for him or engaged in Morman baiting.