Discussion: Never Trump-ers Get Symbolic Victory In Virginia Bound Delegate Case

In not-so-related news, the self-funded scampaign of the billionaire euthanizer of major political parties continues. This time with two $449,400 per plate “fundraisers” — includes dinner and a photo! — in California. Not revealed is why millionaires would want to give money to a billionaire who “worries them.”

“Much of the mainstream contributing community is very, very concerned about his candidacy,” said Jack Pitney, a political analyst and professor at Claremont McKenna College. “They worry about two things: that he’ll lose, or that he’ll win. Losing could drag down other Republicans. Winning could be bad for the country.”





trump loses again. he is such a loser. a big, fat loser. loser. loser.


“still depends on what happens at a closely-watched meeting of the convention rules committee later this week.”

Which is what I’ve been saying for two months. Everything else is twitter sturm and drang until the Rules Committee does, or doesn’t do, something.

i think the republican convention should be open carry. trump and cruz packing heat? cool. where’s the NRA when you need them?


What kind of state legislature would think it necessary to pass a law putting someone in jail for not voting as pledged?


I would be very interested in how many people actually show up to these $450,000 fundraisers. The thing is … I don’t think Donnie gets to keep the entire haul. He might have to split it with the GOP. Any campaign finance lawyers out there that can clarify?

Amen, Brother!! That and a couple of mini-drones darting in and out of the crown and you’ve got yourself an enclosed gun range. EeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeHaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!


[quote=“edhedh, post:4, topic:40363, full:true”]
trump loses again. he is such a loser. a big, fat loser. loser. loser
[/quote] A big fat loser, with tiny little sausage-fingered hands.


can’t he get extensions? he can’t even do a good middle finger. loser.

Interesting story here about how China might favor a President Trump over Hillary Clinton, whom they view with trepidation because of her support for human rifghts and President Obama’s “pivot” to Asia.

It may well be a moot point. I like to think anybody stupid enough to pay $449,400 (how the hell the crack marketeers or former golf caddies at The Trump Company arrived at that magic number we’ll never know) is marginally aware that his magnanimous loan to his scampaign is yet to be converted. They know how money works, right?

It will be very interesting to see how many of the well-heeled are really, undeniably that stupid.

God forbid he would move the manufacturing of his signature ties to Indonesia!

BTW: Where were all those Nazi balls made?

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I can see this ruling being overturned on appeal. Being a delegate is a voluntary position and with it come some rules, as established by the party that certifies the delegates. The RNC would not allow a ruling that neuters some of their power.

So ugly when it’s all about money.

It bears repeating. “They worry about two things: that he’ll lose, or that he’ll win.” There, my friends, is a bet to hedge.

The never Trumpers are going to get a big win in just a few months.
Their cause should actually be, always Hillary because that is exactly what is gong to happen.