It’s about time this insane obsession with automatic weapons and all guns is treated not like a crime issue but a public health issue because that’s what it’s become!
I guess it’s all fine if a GOP Governor does it. I hope to hear some sanity from him, but I’ll have to wait.
While Sandoval is term limited, as it relates to this, its his wannabe successor who is currently in hot water.
These state folks never want to do stuff for themselves, always asking for someone else to do it for them, always looking for a hand out from the feds!
And I hope the folks that got shot have their own damn health insurance and don’t expect a govmint handout on that too!
Interesting that the guns used to commit this atrocity were legal because “it’s a fundamental right”, but the health insurance necessary to pay for treatment of his 500+ victims “is a privilege”.
All those people that want “freedom” from the burden of carrying health insurance never picture this sort of scenario, do they?
Those poor souls who were injured in this atrocity face not only ER costs, surgery, and hospitalization, but also months and months of rehab with no income coming in.
In a Republican world, guns are an absolute right, healthcare is merely a privilege.
O/T but did anyone else feel disgusted listening to the mayor of Las Vegas on Maddow last night. The entire time she was pitching Vegas as a safe place for tourists to come stay and drop their money. Sorry, but politicians of this state are culpable in this massacre. The dead and injured and their families are victims of their greedy policies. As Maddow noted, there is a GUN SHOW every damned weekend in Las Vegas in which there is absolutely zero tracking of purchases. Wonder how the murderer managed to acquire such an arsenal without anyone noticing? BOYCOTT.
A 22-year-old rule is still stimying government funding for research on gun violence. As mass shootings, like the one that took place Sunday in Las Vegas, continue to kill and injure, article after article cites a gap in gun violence research as a roadblock to any progress on gun policy. This gap dates back to a 1996 appropriations bill, known as the Dickey Amendment. The amendment declared that "none of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) may be used to advocate or promote gun control.”
The Government Won’t Fund Research on Gun Violence Because of NRA Lobbying
Well Gov. ya never know just how the Republican CROOKS and their THUG’n Chief may threat you, are you debt free, are your citizens doing as much as the Republicans think they should AND if you meet their checklist o requirements to receive disaster aide they’ll probably try to rob your Medicate coffer for children’s aid to pay for it.
See it’s alright for Trump to go on his trips and rich friends can rob the tax payer’s coffer for the private jets…THAT’S alright ya see. But helping TAX PAYERS is not alright.
The Republicans had better help Puerto Rico and Nevada…NOW.
The governor of Nevada on Monday signed both a declaration of emergency and a separate declaration of a public health and medical disaster following a shooting massacre in Las Vegas that killed 59 people and injured hundreds more.
Made possible by the proud members of America’s leading terrorist organization, the National Rifle Association.
How about a bumper sticker:
American Terrorists: The NRA