Well it sure doesn’t look like any sort of landslide or groundswell for Bernie. Time to throw some chairs to make sure democracy works.
Well, 50% plus 1 (give or take a few percent) is a mandate.
62% reported so far in KY and Clinton is up by a couple of hundred votes.
Regardless of whoever gets the “win” and claims the headline in KY, Sanders is not going to come anywhere near the massive blowout in the state he needs to begin to cut into the vote or delegate lead Clinton has heading into this evenings contest.
If Oregon goes the same way (not a massive blowout for Sanders) it will only make the already steep hill he has to climb even more steep and taking another 116 delegates off the table.
Maybe threaten someone’s grandkids. That’s a good way to win friends and influence people.
Let me congratulate you on your efforts to-day. We know that the Biggies (Obama, Biden, Pelosi and Reid) are awaiting getting into the fray…and this will alter Mr. Sanders’ landscape a tad. What Sanders’ kids lack in perspective they make up in enthusiasm.
But I get extremely upset with older people who stoke that enthusiasm for their own ends. Sanders…and lieutenants who could have used different and less abrasive metaphors to accomplish the same goal. To that extent, people like Sanders and Weaver, who trade in youthful emotions, are demonic. Even when compared with Teabaggers.
TeaBaggers exploit the geriatric rage, yes, but, having taught kids for years, there is a special kind of emotion from the young that Sanders and “comicbook” Weaver deal in. They merit our disgust.
Look at Weaver’s background and his behavior will come as no surprise to you. He’s pulled this same kind of nonsense going all the way back to college. As for Bernie? I was surprised at first, but now I think this is probably how he’s behaved for years and we just didn’t notice because he’s from a small state that doesn’t get a ton of attention. All in all, I think this primary has been a case of when someone shows you who they are, believe them. Bernie, it turns out, is not as good a person as I once thought him to be.
As of “Wednesday night”?
Editing is so “old journalism,” dontcha know.
Looks like the donald had his say tonight too and in the end of his tweet he threw the berns voters a little motivation to call it a rig vote if he loses. They will bite I’m sure.
If she loses she loses. we are not going to play the rigged card.
MSNBC pundits claiming Trump takes KY in November by 12 points misunderstand the electorate and the power of shame.
Sanders supporters vote for their candidate:
I’m calling this one for Hills. I predict a 1-point margin of victory.
Not sure I would lay that bet. Its at 93% and Sanders is up by a whopping 126 votes.
And Louisville still has a net 3,000 for Hillary by the numbers.
Bernie is ahead right now. if he wins he will make it sound as he had this huge win but the fact of the matter is that Hillary won the counties with the higher population and we all know what that means. Its very possible that she wins more delegate.
No but bernie will make it sound like a land slide if he wins.
Man it is at 12 votes at this moment.
It’s over folks I’m calling it for clinton. Time to call this a rig vote by the bernieteers.
It’s 99 .999 percet of the vote, It’s over girls!!!
MSNBC just called it for Hillary