Discussion for article #242545
This is what it looks like when a Tea Party is in charge of a nuclear state.
Matt Bevinstein…
Israel USA Right-wing Same Same Vicious Lying Racist Scum.
“Some politicians in Israeli are now calling on Netanyahu to reconsider the appointment.”
Hahaha…are you kidding? This was all carefully and deliberately planned and intended. He’s not going back on it now I don’t think. The antagonism is specifically designed to take advantage of the partisan spiral in our country. Bibi will now have every fucking GOPer/Teatroll in Congress regurgitating all of this and defending Baratz and trying to cash in on totally agreeing with his vitriol. Just watch…first Teatroll politician or MSM bobblehead to say “soft anti-semitism” gets a cookie.
What a silver-tongued devil.
Good thing he’s not a lawyer. He could get a client The Needle in a divorce proceeding.
Perhaps PM Netanyahu will get a President Carson. A POTUS that want’s all the JEWS to die so he can have his Rapture.
Other way around, isn’t it? Jews rebuild the Temple and then Angry Killer Jeebus rides in guns ablazing with the Four Horsemen and blows them all straight to Helllllll!*
*Book of Revelations, Holy Bybul, Revised Wingnut Edition.
Ummm “Diplomacy”?
“Well, if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight? They never mention that part to us, do they?”
George Carlin
“Pass the sweet and sour shrimp.”
Baratz has also addressed the backlash, arguing that the comments were made while he was private citizen and meant to be humorous.
Calling people anti-Semitic. LOL, amirite?
I find it very difficult when the government of Israel presumes to speak for all Jews. When the government equates uncritical acceptance of Israel’s non-religious policies with its views on Judaism.
Obama is highly critical of Israel foreign and domestic policy and commitment to peace, as are many Jews. My criticisms are mostly that the government’s policy is myopic – opening the door for radicals to shut down the peace process.
So, by this “Diplomacy Chief’s” lights, I am a Jewish anti-semite. I dissent. In any case, someone who speaks this way is no diplomat to be sure, and while there may be a place for him elsewhere, the man should issue his resignation forthwith.
…Obama’s reaction to Netanyahu’s Iran speech "is how modern anti-Semitism looks like in the modern Western world.
Which is itself how the flames of privileged paranoia born of institutionalized repression are fanned in any world of your choosing since the dawn of time.
If the President laughingly responded that Baratz was a !@#hole racist bigot, what then? What would be Baratz’ next funny diplomatic move?
As to humor, this is a joke, he is unsuited for his position and should resign. Laugh it off, for sure, but there is a fundamental appearance of impropriety for someone to be as he is and a “Diplomatic Chief.”
Well that’s a new definition of ‘diplomacy’ if I’ve ever heard one…
Not before raiding the great pyramids for some sweet ancient grain…
Feel better now?. I see it now. I think you meant to reply to the post immediately above mine.
Humorous??? Really?? Why is it when someone is caught saying something they shouldn’t be saying they always say it was a joke? I really didn’t mean what I said even if I said it and even if it wasn’t anywhere near funny or likely ever meant as a joke when I said it.
Hellfire, he appointed Ron Dermer as ambassador to the US, knowing that no one in the govt trusts that momser!
Netanyahu doesn’t give a hoot! He thinks he’s royalty . . . boy, is he sadly mistaken!!