Discussion: Netanyahu: World Powers 'Have Given Up' In Iran Nuclear Talks

Discussion for article #233672

…Not to mention your own Israeli intelligence which told you Iran has stopped uranium enrichment for bomb making. So world leaders, unlike you, see no need for a war that is unnecessary. It is called sound judgment.


Isn’t this the same guy that said, “… no question whatsoever” that Saddam was advancing towards the development of nuclear weapons in 2002 – so now I’m suppose to believe him – that Iran is advancing towards the developing a Wile E. Coyote nuclear Acme bomb??? No sale.


Guess this guy really wants to go out with a bang.
Israeles have a unique way of dealing with war mongers and peace activists depending on the situation and who is involved. History has proven, they disappear.


This man will say ANYTHING to retain power. Toss him out, Israelis, please!!


Next thing you know Netanyahu will be going to war with everyone who won’t do his dirty work for him. How is this helping Israel in any way? How is this rhetoric making Israel stronger? Bibis ego is going to do more damage than any Iran threat is doing. Better rein him in, Israelis.


Where are the Abba Ebans?

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Dude really does seem to act like his constituency thinks America is a client state of Israel.


I wish it was just to stay in power. I really believe the guy is dying to make war on Iran. It is an itch he cannot scratch.

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Hmmm, the term: “Lying sack of Shit” comes to mind listening to Bibi.


It’s a win-win for Bibi. With the rest of the world taking a rational approach to Iran, his mouth gets turned loose from being a responsible world leader. He also gets to play to the conservative base of his own party, while wrong-footing the opposition, by scaring borderline voters that nothing would stand in Iran’s way if he looses office.

I’m confused… Israel has a Parliment, so is Bibi up for personal office as a minister in a tough district race, or is he just shilling for the party to remain in power? Or perhaps both, I suppose.

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Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says world powers “have given up” on stopping Iran from developing nuclear weapons…

Says the head of a country sitting on illegal nukes it won’t admit it has.


Israel uses a proportional voting system, so the MoK are selected from a slate of candidates created by the party involved. Each party would nominate a slate equal to the number of seats in the Knesset and then seat those candidates whose position matches the percentage of votes the party receives in the election. As leader of Likud, Bibi would be the first name on the list, so that if Likud receives, say, 3% of the vote, Bibi would be seated and likely someone else as well. Many nations with proportional voting require a minimum percentage (say 5%) for a party to seat any of its members from their nomination list.

Wow, you really are as old as me. Abba Eban was a statesman. We have politicians these days.


Isn’t there a ball pit or water-park that the 5+1 can drop Bibi off at to distract him while the adults talk?

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Bravo to Kerry for calling bullshit on this bullshitter…this ham handed adventure in DC is going to turn out as an embarrassment for the misguided PM and more unfortunately for Israel.

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Many thanks!

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Your advocacy for the invasion of Iraq to destroy their non existant nuclear program was not only part of the 4,000 plus Americans that were killed but help create the chaos that made ISIS bloom as a movement. You and your GOP buddies were responsible for this train wreck. Your advice like your politics suck Every Arab extremist uses you as a recruitment poster for terrorism.

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Will some one please tell this asshole to STFU!

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Maybe we could get Chris Christie to do it. :smiley: