Discussion: Netanyahu: Both Trump And Clinton Would Support Israel As President

It simply can’t be said enough:

Fuck you, Bibi!


Oh, please. We know Trump won’t give a damn about Israel unless he’s allowed to slap a ‘Trump’ sign on the Dome of the Rock or tear it down and throw up one of his brass ‘n’ glass monstrosities.

But a clueless and reckless Trump presidency, too inept to navigate that complicated and volatile region, could lead to rising tensions and maybe even warfare because of mixed signals or provocative statements or actions.

I guess Bibi watched the debate last night ?

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…as opposed to that Muslim now in the White House?

Cynical craven Bibi Netanyahu, still hedging his bets the very week where the rest of the entire world gets conclusive proof that Trump is an unstable lunatic. Karma has been incredible this week.