I’m sure the Neo-Nazis will employ every bit of brilliance and cunning at their disposal.
I think Spike Lee’s sequel to “Black Klansman” is writing itself here.
Schoep insisting he’d been hoodwinked.
I LOL’d on that.
If a klansman winks under his hood…
This is the most 2019 headline possible
You’d think that members of the master race would be … y’know … smarter.
“Well, sheeeit, boys! That durn paper is notarized and everything. It’s gonna be real hard to take back control of ourselves from this guy we never heard of! It’s gonna be a hell of fight! Who wants a beer?”
“Stern claiming he “outwitted” the ex-NSM leader and Schoep insisting he’d been hoodwinked.”
You say potatoes, I say potatoes. It sounds like they’re in agreement. The main issue is that Schoep was trying to use an imagined loophole to get out of legal trouble by having his group dissolved by someone else, and that someone else was lying to him in order to put him in deeper legal trouble and now he regrets the whole thing. This is why lawyers get paid the big bucks.
“The lifelong neo-Nazi told TPM that Stern was “pure evil” for misleading him about his intentions for the case and the future of the group.”
Lifelong neo-Nazi? What was his miserable childhood like? Did he build concentration camps from Tinkertoys and LEGO’s? Complain in class about Anne Frank and Abe Lincoln? You figure he’d outgrow the hate and have a enlightened view of the world.
Why is it that white supremacists are, almost without fail, such pathetic examples of the master race they claim to represent?
Cuz thinkin’ is for libruls and losers and 'Merica haters!
Feel like I keep on saying this about each crazy happening lately but this is a remarkably bizarre saga. Thanks for the reporting.
I assume that Spike Lee is already working on the screen play.
Because the vast majority of them just keep their mouths shut and vote Republican.
"he’s filing a restraining order "
No, he’s not. Not unless he’s a court clerk.
I see this error in reports all the time, and it burns me. Rev. Stern is filing for a restraining order–asking the court for one. It is up to the judge to issue such an order, or not.
Yeah, but I sure hope Stern has a bodyguard or two.
Stupid is as stupid does - read the documents and weep, Schoep. You royally F*cked up!
Nah, they’re not. Never were.
The irony of a neo-Nazi complaining about someone else being “pure evil.”