Discussion: Neb. Ed. Board Member With Blog Calling Obama A 'Half-Breed' Refuses To Resign

Discussion for article #232669

Oh, looky-looky. Another Teabagger who bellows about personal responsibility screams he never did what he did.

This is kinda weird because I thought Nebraska still had a sense of shame.


The blatant racists have really emboldened themselves thanks to Jim Demint (who really kicked it off with his “You lie!” comment at the SOTU several years ago), Rush Limbaugh, Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Mike Huckabee, Fox and Friends, and even the mainstream media who no longer confront hate but rather embrace it via false equivalencies which amounts to tacit approval. And yet they remain cowards as they always say “I’m not a racist, you are!”.


Non-pology and resignation coming in 3…2…1…


Jeebus on a Triscuit. These angry white males can be such “victims.”


That wasn’t DeMint, that was Joe Wilson.
And sad to say, he got A LOT of contributions after that. GOP learned that disrespecting the president pays well and even gets you elected/re-elected.
This guy truly ought to be ashamed of himself. He runs a blog that posts an article that unnecessarily calls Obama a half-breed. Why that would matter or even be bought up by anyone who is not a racist, I will never know. But I’m sure we’ll have our resident poster come and tell us how it wasn’t and say the article has a victim bent…


and claimed the board only passed the resolution due to pressure from Democrats and teacher’s unions.

Of course, blame Democrats and unions. They’re in total control…

on a planet far, far away.

It couldn’t possibly be because this creep is an ignorant racist.


Pat McPherson= I am not a racist. My landscaper and the guy who washes my car are Mexican.


Hey! He says he’s not a racist! Case closed! Stop hounding the poor man, already.


I don’t think it was DeMint who called out you lie it was Joe something or other…


he insisted that he is “not a racist” and claimed the board only passed the resolution due to pressure from Democrats and teacher’s unions.

“They’ve further intimidated political leaders to ask for my resignation by suggesting that if they didn’t, they were racists themselves,”

Can we get Jonathan Chait to make a ruling?


It’s not 100% certain HE was the one who posted that crap on … his blogsite … that he started up … that he controls … that he operates … repeatedly.

SO, let’s all give him n00% of the doubt, comprised of 100% for implying it wasn’t him who did it on … his blog … repeatedly ,… plus an additional 100% for each and every time it was repeated on … his blog … that he controlled …

I am SO certain that the members of this committee are looking forward to working closely with state education board member MacPherson in future.

Oop, one question: WTF elected this racist mook?


Racist AND contemptuous of democratic processes - like a majority vote that ousted him - as well as democratic institutions - like the Board of Education on which he serves. The good people of Nebraska sure can pick’em.

Nebraskans, I suspect you are not very intelligent, so I feel I need to shout: THIS MAN IS IN CHARGE OF YOUR STATE’S PUBLIC EDUCATION SYSTEMS!


COWARD - runs from accountability & responsibility
… and this is the caliber of individual that Nebraska accepts to be involved in the control of their public schools.


I think it was Joe the eRpublican.

It would have to be, because if it had been said by, say, Rep. Joe Wilson of the 2nd Congressional District of South Carolina, you’d figure he’d be out of elected office by now.


During the 2012 cycle, one of the best political ads I’ve ever heard was played regularly on urban radio. The ad was a series of nasty, dog whistle comments about the president. At the end of the ad, the announcer spells out Obama’s accomplishments and asks, “If this is what they think of him, what do they think of you?” A really smart play in 2016 would be to put together similar radio and TV ads with nasty commentary about both Obama and HRC, and end it with, “If this is what they think of the first black president and the first woman to be nominated, what do they think of you?” Air it on Oxygen, E!, BET, VH1, ESPN, during Shondaland TV, Empire, etc. It would be a helluva motivator for the very voters most likely to sit out the election.


Excellent!! Very clever – and rather deep, if you think about it.


There’s a Facebook page that popped up a couple of weeks ago that is dedicated to getting rid of this guy. Apparently, for some reason, there isn’t a legally defined way to remove him other than he himself resigning. Anyway, the FB page could use some love - please give it some: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Remove-Pat-Mcpherson-from-State-Board-of-Education/1554174024836641

McPherson needs to step down.


Where are the major national league sports teams on something like this? College teams, in particular, being this is someone who is freeloading through the state’s public school systems, should take interest.

His blog also suggested that the Washington Redskins be renamed to the Washington Half-Breeds. Top notch blog, this was.

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