Discussion: NC House Candidate Directed Hiring Of Aide Facing Corruption Allegations

Harris joins the long list of Republican criminals. We may have to open more jails to house them before this is over or let out the drug offenders and other petty criminals to make room for them.


Quite a Friday.

We’re about three hours away from getting a tape recording of Mr. Harris telling an aide “Go hire that Dowless fellow, I hear he’s a very effective criminal who will help us knowingly and fraudulently steal this election by committing big election crimes, criminally.”


Kick a rock over and a crooked Rethug crawls out from under it. No matter the state or county. It’s like a plague.

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Has this ever happened before? A new election and a new primary for a seat in the House of Reps? (Obviously, they only want the primary because they know their candidate is so tainted that it might actually matter.)


Hey Harris, I hear that Trump is looking for a new chief of staff. Just sayin’.

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I freely admit this is not on my radar, but there is a ‘criminal’ investigation regarding this election tampering, isn’t there?

So far I’m just reading about a lot of outraged accountants…

Cripes I hope they get NO do-overs, Primary or General. Once they accepted the results and moved Harris on after the primaries…I would think there is no do-over. Elections usually have a limitation after an election is certified. So a do-over between Harris and the Dem would hopefully go the Dems way, but of course the best thing would be a legal decision that if the duly advanced Primary winner cheats in the General election, he foregos his seat and his opponent gets the election.


The best out come would be a conviction and jail sentence for the Republican candidate.


Yes what I said, followed by what you said.

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I think such a move would be seen as disenfranchising voters, and that cannot be allowed . . . when those voters are Republicans.


So finally election fraud gets proven… and guess who did it?


Christian values, let Jesus throw the first stone. Jesus loves those who help people vote the right way.

Pass the collection plate.

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Local GOP lawmakers are pushing for a change in state law that would allow for a new primary to be held in the event of a new election so they might be able to pick another nominee besides Harris (current state law would force a rematch between Harris and Democrat Dan McCready).

“No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder, ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.” - From Article I, Section 10, Clause 1, of the U.S. Constitution

Try it suckers. Just try it.

…absolutely unaware of any wrongdoing…

So they have an argument for a new primary in the sense that Harris was the beneficiary of the same fraud to become their nominee. But the time for making that argument is long past.

TPM, please let us know when this asshole is finally criminally indicted.

Thanks in advance.


He fucked up badly