Discussion: NBC Poll: Clinton's Lead Over Trump Dips Slightly To 6 Points

How fucking ridiculous is it that the most experienced, level-headed, prepared candidate in the country is NOT blowing away a psychopathic lunatic with a history of daily sewage spills from his mouth?

What the hell is wrong with America?


Stop betching about these national polls. The media has been trying to make this election interesting. This election is OVER!!! It’s over. Hillary has been running a run out the clock strategy since her surge after the DNC. Trump has a base support of around 35% that will vote for him. Hillary’s numbers after the DNC basically pushed Trumps support to it’s floor. He has tried to rebound and made very small incremental gains. The bottom line is this election is over. Hillary right now will likely not win Arizona or Georgia. But her strategy has been to win the battle ground states.

This election should be Barry Goldwater like but most likely will be 1996 Dole or 2012 Obama numbers for Hillary. She is a flawed candidate and has weak likeable numbers. But she WILL win and that’s all that counts.

I am waiting for after labor day. Giuliani stated they would be even with Hillary come labor day. Hillary’s campaign has a plan. Obama and Biden will pick up campaigning and then you have the debates and bottom line. If Hillary is winning by around these numbers come October. Then it’s a coast to victory.


I think the best ads that HRC could continually run are lists of all the influential GOP’ers who have defected, because they think Drumpf would be a disaster as POTUS. Won’t do a thing to swing his hardcore, dim-witted following, but should help sway anyone still sitting on the fence.


I agree with most of your post – except for your description of her campaign strategy so far as “running out the clock.” I think she is waiting until after Labor Day to unleash her full arsenal. So far, all she’s really had to do is sit back and let Donnie be the clown that he is (and watch as several stories came about how he does/did business). Campaigns are a marathon-- you don’t need to expend all your energy and resources in August. She and Tim Kaine (I think) are playing this perfectly.

As you note, in a couple of weeks, POTUS, FLOTUS and Uncle Joe (not to mention Sen. Warren, she of the nimble Twitter finger with a Boston Brawler sensibility) will be hitting the hustings hard, fast and loud. The poll numbers will move ever more in Clinton’s favor. That first debate will put it to bed.

While Arizona won’t turn blue, don’t give up on Georgia just yet. I think there is some hope especially if Atlanta and its suburbs turn out.

Oh, and let’s not forget The Big Dog in all of this. He might not be the same as his glory days in the 90s, but his worst days on the stump are still 10x better than Donnie’s best days.

Strap in, everyone … After Sept. 6, it gets real :wink::wink::facepunch:t3::facepunch:t3:


Her campaign has been spending heavily on ads appearing in key states, defining him negatively. I think she has been holding back a bit in terms of getting attention for herself, because Trump has been campaigning against himself so effectively in recent weeks.


The basic partisan divide between Ds and Rs is three or four percent. Hard to overcome by much. If she beats Trumplethinskin by five percent, I would be pleased. She is not well-liked by the American people, only a couple of points away from the little racist thug Trump. Just as its hard to change Trump’s numbers, it will be hard to change hers. Just the way the country is right now

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Not so much America, but America’s ‘perception’.
She was pretty popular before she got in the race.
A big part of it was Bernie, who ran a primary like a general and fire bombed her and the Democratic party at large as a bunch of untrustworthy corporate whores.
But I think the biggest problem is the media, and I don’t think I’m being overly paranoid about it, she was starting to break away from Trump and now all of a sudden the AP hits her with the Clinton Foundation story, that is nothing but rumors and innuendos, but does drag her numbers back down.
I think the press is going to keep this see-saw going up to November no matter what.


Hillary Clinton Piles Up Research in Bid to Needle Donald Trump at First Debate

Hillary Clinton’s advisers are talking to Donald J. Trump’s ghostwriter of “The Art of the Deal,” seeking insights about Mr. Trump’s deepest insecurities as they devise strategies to needle and undermine him in four weeks at the first presidential debate, the most anticipated in a generation.

Her team is also getting advice from psychology experts to help create a personality profile of Mr. Trump to gauge how he may respond to attacks and deal with a woman as his sole adversary on the debate stage.



I’m a Bernie backer and I refuse to support Hillary

The author


Well, I’m not willing to sit back and let them do all the work. I’m not going to wake up 11/9 and wonder how I could have let HO win rather than celebrate a blowout.

And did the poll do a state-by-state breakdown? Otherwise, meaningless.

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The author

LOL, she’s the poster child for “progressive” third-party voters: white people whose financial, social, and cultural advantages and connections insulate them from the consequences of the Republican governance they enable. That’s for the poors to deal with.

You know that precious little Shawnee doesn’t live in a neighborhood directly affected by industrial pollution, which is a condition that millions of black and Hispanic Americans have to deal with every day. That means that the assault on environmental regulations that will be a central part of a Trump administration won’t affect her as she drinks her morning fair-trade vegan decaf low-foam mocha latte on her cheery, sun-drenched patio.


Five observations:

One, our feckless media has done a great job vilifying Hillary–the latest misguided effort was the phony AP story. A lot of people actually believe the bullshit they read in the press. They are convinced Hillary is crooked. They also look at the future and aren’t sure what another Clinton administration is going to look like.

Two, a lot of people are really sick to death of our government. They understand that the government belongs, lock, stock and barrel, to a handful of billionaires. They want to see the entire establishment crash and burn.

Three, Hillary is focusing her fire on traditional swing states. Trump is running a national campaign. That means Trump is running all over the country while Hillary is focusing on traditional swing states. She is doing very well in those swing states, but where she isn’t focused Trump is doing some better than he should be. That means some red states are slightly redder than usual and some blue states are slightly lighter blue.

Four, everyone figured Trump would tighten the race as we approach October, but the tightening isn’t that serious so far.

My major concern is millions of people are going to say a pox on both your houses and sit at home this November. Turnout is going to be key to our democracy. Traditionally a totally negative campaign being waged by both parties will suppress voting. Hillary has to give people a reason to vote for her as opposed to merely giving us a reason not to vote for Trump.

I don’t think you are either. AP continues their thing even after that disastrous tweet/article. NYTimes pisses me off mightily as well, and the last couple of days was one of their worst coverage times – this time they managed to pull this crap below with the original headline “Weiner’s Texts Cast a New Cloud Over Clinton Campaign” (and their editorial today is awful as well).

The media eagerly keep making up pieces of “both sides” bullshit and “casting a new cloud over” her even when there is no there there. It would be a miracle if average voters can hold positive opinions about her if stories they hear about her is predominantly like this.


Hillary has to give people a reason to vote for her as opposed to merely giving us a reason not to vote for Trump.

The entire Democratic Convention was exactly that.

As for focusing on her opponent’s shortcomings: Russ Feingold specifically refused to engage in “negative” campaigning in 2010, essentially saying it was beneath him. How’d that work out?


“She won’t kill herself for my unicorn and every conspiracy is so true.” (stamps foot and flops to floor)


The Democratic convention was then. This is now.

There is a difference between refusing to go negative at all and giving people a positive reason to vote for you. Actually, the topic of negative campaigning has been studied extensively and is well understood. Negative campaigning is intended to suppress turnout, not change minds. A totally negative campaign will suppress turn out. Nobody is going to vote against somebody. They will just stay home.

Hillary’s challenge is to inspire us to vote for her.

Convention bump is fading.

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Sorry, but I call clickbait.

Today it’s up a little, tomorrow it’s down a little…when things have changed — and stayed changed — for more than a couple of days, it’s worth noting. Otherwise it’s noise – and annoying.


Obama’s number were almost the same in 2008 right before the election and he blew out McCain. To get a major margin in popular vote is not easy. The key is swing states. If Trump is getting 90% support in Alabama, he still only wins Alabama. His big numbers in those states don’t get to carry over into other states.