Discussion: NBC: Mattis, Pence and Kelly Talked Tillerson Out Of Resigning This Summer

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I get the tiniest bit of comfort knowing that people in this “Administration” are just as miserable and stressed as I am.

Not much, mind you. But a little.


Why? Would anyone notice if Tillerson were gone?


When she spoke to Rachel Sec. Clinton said that we were “stuck”(my word) depending on the people around Trump to keep him from doing the worst things. AFAI can see, she meant some portion of: the Generals, Tillerson, Cohn, maybe a few others.
I think that’s right.
She sure didn’t mean Price, or Muchin, or Sessions.
Or Pence.


Not long after returning to Washington, Tillerson called Trump a “moron” on July 20 at a meeting with the Pentagon, Trump’s national security team and other members of the administration, three officials told NBC.

Pence has had a few one-on-one discussions with Tillerson since then, talking to him about ways to ease tensions with Trump and being respectful of the President in public, a courtesy the President hasn’t returned.

So…I take it Tillerson is out now or, say, Friday afternoon ?


So how effective have the adults in the room been? Not very. The petulant child is still out of control.


But compared to what? And what about the 25th amendment? So Tillerson feels Trump gave him a raw deal?OK.


I agree both with that was her sentiment, and with that sentiment.


That’s courage of your convictions right there Rexy. Thank goodness you stayed because the optics of your leaving would have been bad. But hey, you can add your cowardice to the stain Trump’s left on you–that doesn’t wash off–ever. See “Spicer, Sean” and “Price, Tom”.


Hypothetically speaking, what if Tillerson just up and left anyways? What would be the diff at this point? For all intents and purposes, there is no more State Dept. just like the feral trumpers wanted.

I say let Tillerson walk. Most of the “foreign policy” nowadays is being directed by the Joint Chiefs.


I am torn. We have pulled out of the Paris Agreement, got into bed with Putin on Syria (that we know of - who yet knows on how many other fronts), and despite Mattis saying otherwise yesterday - Trump keeps making noise about pulling out of the Iranian Nuke Agreement.

But Trump hasn’t (yet) blown up NATO, he hasn’t (yet) tried to wreak havoc to weaken the EU, and for at least one week he wasn’t taunting North Korea’s equally unstable ‘Dear Leader’. Well that last one doesn’t count since he started the “rocketman” stuff back up this weekend.

I still think having some sane folks in the room (and even I put Talibornagain Mike into that category in terms of understanding geopolitical realities) is better than leaving Trump surrounded only by folks like Stephen Miller whispering rw and altright Conspiracy Theories into his ears and sycophants.


Boy did they fuck him over, fucked him over good!

Hey along the fucking over vein hope this pans out!



Dear Rex,
Donald wanted you to dismantle the State Department. You thought that was a good idea and you did it. Now, he’s done with you and you are of no use to him, so he will humiliate you until you quit. Just get it over with and start trying to get his stink off (not that you ever will).
Not a Fan


Bingo. And the 25th Amendment is the fastest way to get rid of him.
And thanks.


Who’s the bigger moron? The moron that everyone without their head up their ass knew was a moron, or someone that went to work for him either not knowing he was a moron or thinking they could straighten him out at 70 after a lifetime proving he was a moron?


I think you may be giving Tillerson (and Pence) way too much credit.


Neither Tillerson nor Pence have much loyalty to Trump IMO. Tillerson’s loyal to Wall Street, Pence to Pence.


The “news” here is why are the gory details of what was pretty publicly hinted at back in the summer, now being made available? And who is making them available?

My own read on the situation is TIllerson is out the door, and probably very soon. I was pegging a December resignation, but its looking like he won’t make it until Halloween.

Because this sort of story will only exacerbate an already rough relationship between Donald and Tillerson. I think we all know how well Donald will take hearing that Tillerson called him a moron.

So all your reporters out there, start queuing up all your stories about then unprecedented staff turn over in this administration. And don’t forget to act completely shocked that a guy who went through repeated high level staff turnover during his campaign, is following the same pattern now he is elected.


“If you want loyalty, buy a spaniel…”

Or a St.Bernhard…

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Your pick: Tillerson or “Blow em all up” John Bolton as Secretary of State. The latter was interviewed multiple times for the gig, and reportedly was denied - because of his mustache (Trump has this thing about looks). Not a fan, but I would prefer Tillerson to Bolton who scared the hell out of me in the W years.

Not a big fan of any of his picks. But differentiate between probusiness/toocloestoRussia and off the rocker wingnutmania in which, in my estimation, would be feeding into Trumps wild fantasies and lead to an even more erratic insanity from Trump than we already have. Flynn, Price and Pruitt - for example, imo, fit the latter.