Discussion: NBC Gives 'Morning Joe' Co-Host Her Own Spotlight As Ratings Struggle

Discussion for article #233330

Empowerment tips? Like what? Eat occasionally?


Uh, no, NBC, just NO.

“Empowerment tips” from THIS INDIVIDUAL???



I originally thought this pix was of “Ilsa, She Wolf of the SS”

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“Morning Joe” host Mika Brzezinski offers empowerment tips to women

Wow, so the least empowered, weakest woman within the entire NBC family will be offering empowerment tips to women. Will Joe Scarborough and Chris Matthews offer anger management tips? It’s really quite stunning that NBC thinks this woman should be teaching any woman about knowing her value when she clearly has no clue about her own. SMDH


You mean Mika can actually speak without having Dead Intern Joe’s hand shoved up her ass so he can pull the strings? Well, color me surprised!


Will she actually have to speak on this tour? Something she rarely does on the the morning show.


“Mika , The Enabler”.

No, thanks.


They also gave her a segment on the Morning Joke show . It is called

" Mika ". The very first one, she interviewed the Joke himself.

Her segments are boring.


Show is completely unwatchable. That’s all!


“Morning Joe” host Mika Brzezinski offers empowerment tips to women,"

LOL! Here’s a few empowerment tips; be born “right”, marry “right”, condescend to your assh*le co-hosts, take the Republican line at all costs, make like you’re just another “struggling Mom”, and for kickers, tell people how they should be running their lives because you know best. What a useless bitch.


No, I get it. Mika is attempting to produce new revenue streams for NBC, while simultaneously not benefiting financially herself. Unless someone buys her book.


Know your place Mika? Cowering next to Shmoe.


I am so tired of Scarborough just making stuff up. They other day he said “ I spoke with a head of state who refuses to get involved with the war on ISIL because there is no leadership coming from the The Unites States,”

No name, no country,no date,no time, no relevant facts what-so-ever. There where none to give, because it never happened. He was just making stuff up to make Obama look bad. He does it all the time, and no one ever calls him on it.


In her next book, “My Eye Make-up Weighs More Than I Do”, Mika’s underpaid Asian ghost writer explores Mika’s light-hearted and transformational use of mocha frappuccino residue as a food source…


OMG. That’s what I thought. Feminist icon she is NOT. They really think more infotainment is what is necessary to boost Morning Joke’s low ratings??? That worked out soooo well for Brian Williams, didn’t it? Maybe she can go on the Tonight Show and slow-jam the latest fashions too.

This woman is a train wreck waiting to happen. Little Miss Meeka, submissive on-air personality, is going to tell other women how to get a raise by telling women what to wear (hint: low-cut sleeveless, even in winter) and how to use body language (hint: stare fawningly at men in your presence, but try not to say too much). What a fucking joke. Repackaging dog shit, is still dog shit.

I can’t think of a more banal experiment in cognitive dissonance to heap onto the public. Here’s an idea…Get rid of that show completely. Start over and provide straight news minus the ‘personality’ bullshit. That would be almost an original endeavor at this point in the news business these days. People are starved for actual news. No more in-depth talks with the same 5 people day after day after day. Oh forget it. They’ll destroy themselves without any advice from others. They’ve already been well on their way for many years now. Let those shows just die already, along with the people on them, and the people that create that crap. They really haven’t got a clue.


This reminds me of a Roz Chast cartoon: “The 10 Best Self-Help Books.” One of the books was titled “How to Break the Self-Help Book Habit”.


NBC: continuing the slide into irrelevance that was kicked off by the hiring of David Gregory for Meet The Press and Luke Russert for whatever it is Young Luke fools himself and his bosses into thinking he’s actually doing…


Why? She’s turned into a Koch sucker just like Joe boy.


So they’re changing their tagline from “Lean Forward” to “Fail upward?” If so, they should totally get Carly Fioriona in on the action.