Discussion: NBC Freelancer Who Contracted Ebola Defends Medical Correspondent Who Violated Quarantine

Discussion for article #229121

It’s irresponsible for guy reporter to support Snyderman. He wants to be in the spotlight and has lost all credibility. He has a duty as an off-air talent to film Nancy Snyderman, and as such, should take responsibility for his support of Snyderman’s breaking her self-imposed quarantine. He’s literally encouraging her to infect other people with Ebola. He should be fired.

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What did you expect him to say? He’s got the e-BOO!-la too!


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Apparently Ebola ate this guys brain.

You’re scaring me, Eustace. Can you go back to strange typography so I know when you’re in character?

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I’m carrying on the outrage from yesterday’s discussion.


He’s due to be released soon. So, so far, the only person who’s died in this country has been in part a victim of medical malpractice (botched diagnosis, released with 103.5 fever, etc.). Maybe, just maybe, we could start looking at this rationally and realize that the flu is likely to be much more deadly here than Ebola will?


Thanks! I feel much better.

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Dr Snyderman was not under mandatory quarantine. They were “self quarantined”. She has no symptoms…she could not spread the disease…these are facts. The mandatory quarantines were done to monitor for symptoms and to make sure the family could be followed to make sure no symptoms were present because the family did not honor the order to stay home. They dont have Ebola either which shows that more than occupying the same space is required to catch it. Take your outrage and get a flu shot. Then at least you are doing something useful for yourself and everyone else.
Attacking this guy?? get a life (if it is satire…never mind)


Sorry man you are typecast. I do agree with your POV usually when you are out of character, but this is a mish mash of a mix that is neither.

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What is the apparent part?

Seems you’re on a crusade. Why so passionate?

‘The lady doth protest too much, methinks’

Hey, no freakout from an actual victim. Why so much from the worry warts?

Oh yeah, he’s alive and so are all of the Duncan dudes family and the nurses.

Ebola, Obama, Hussein, Oh Noooooooooo! Sounding scary and actually being worthy of fear, priceless.

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Well, I have kinda noticed that the country’s going goofy-stupid with irrational, overblown, and disproportionate fears stoked by irresponsible media and pandering pols.

But other than that, I really don’t care :wink:

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This is what we get for electing Morgan Freeman president. Where’s Donald Sutherland when we need him?

A legitimate president would have incinerated Dallas with a propane bomb ten days ago!

PC libtards!

you must have missed the conversation yesterday about Snyderman.

Nope, I upvoted you quite a few times. This, like I said is a mish mash and seems to be stuck somewhere in between your two personalities.
But whatever, all I’m saying is that your straight up comments are much more appealing to me than the character stuff and then there’s this. And maybe I’m reading your comment wrong, if so, my bad.

What part is confusing you?

Beside the fact that I don’t believe that what you wrote is what you meant, your absolutism about everyone being wrong that doesn’t see this your way. I don’t, so according to you, if I interpret your writing correctly that is, I do not have a functioning brain and the survivor guys brain has been eaten by Ebola. That is because you say.

You can stick to your argument and likely make some sense, I’m saying that Ebola isn’t worth it. Did you wig out over the swine or bird flus? How about just influenza in general? Do you get your flu shot every year?

There are much bigger fish to fry and personally I could give a rat’s ass about what the highly educated Doctor did. I definitely am cutting her slack and believe she is a far better judge of what’s happening than we will ever be. And, it actually proves the over reaction that is happening and that you are all jacked up about. There is no crisis in America, none.

Come Nov. 5th 2014, this won’t mean shit and we can get back to real issues like gun running, teleprompters and Birf Certificates.

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Not at all. The exact opposite and in fact I have been from the outset saying that Ebola is a negligible threat domestically.

That said, when someone is placed into quarantine, they need to stay in quarantine until they are cleared medically.