they programmed in ICE, in case of emergency, information?
Great idea to put all of that information out there so the next bombers know what not to do next time. Brilliant!
Is it just me, or do these terrorists seem like bumbling idiots?
Yea, because not leaving fingerprints or personal info in your bombs is such next-level thinking.
Those cell phones yielded valuable info, which is something that hasn’t been said about NBC in decades.
I don’t think we can post images here, but this is my conception of the suspect:
BOOM! goes the dynamite!
Too soon?
I just wonder if Rahami is gonna get stiffed on his bill, like all of Donnie’s other contractors?
The NBC reporter asked Rahimi, “You terrorists! What is it with your hair? Is that even real?” then reached over and, with a big smirk, tousseled Rahimi’s hair.
Boy! All this and we didn’t even need to invade a foreign country or enact martial law! Trump haz a sad.
Looks like fighting terrorism really CAN be an issue for law enforcement.
If I were him, I don’t think I would have been quite so willing to admit publicly that these things never would have occurred to me if I hadn’t watched NBC. Just a thought.
Wow. I instantly thought of the guy in 1993 who rented a van, used it to bomb the World Trade Center, then went back to the agency three hours later to say it was stolen and ask for his deposit back. They told him he needed a police report so he went to the cops to report it, came back, was turned away for some reason again, showed up a third time, by which time the cops had a partial vehicle number and were there to grab him. He currently resides in a supermax in Colorado, because he was sentenced to 240 years. For four hundred bucks in deposit.
Well a lot of time it seems like simple minded folks that get pull into extreme causes like this.
If only all would-be terrorists were as incompetent as this guy.
Wait, are we talking about the terrorists or NBC news? (ba-dum-ching)
From the amateurish, probably not Isis trained.
But I wouldn’t rule out Trump University graduate.
URGENT: I implore NBC and its affiliates immediately to redact all references to fingerprints and use of traceable cellphones from their reports. The public’s interest in terrorists’ CONTINUING to make mistakes that quickly disclose their identities and associations trumps NBC’s financial interest in disclosing what should have been highly-classified sources and methods. And no, ascribing the irresponsible disclosure to the leaker does not absolve NBC from exerting editorial control over a clear national security breach. I’m aware that info propagated into the Internet has an indefinite lifespan. We can do only the possible, but we should DO the possible.
it just cracks me up after one of these incidents how all of the media goes batshit 24/7 – not only pimping FEARFEARFEAR… but helpfully pointing out the mistakes made in the bombs that didn’t go off… msnbc actually had a cooker all taped up to illustrate how you build a pressure cooker bomb…
Nobody ever said Terrorists were smart (except for pussies like Trump supporters who are scared shitless of them and make them out to be Bond-level supervillans.)
Typically, it is the least intelligent who become terrorists (at least at the footsoldier level.)
The LEADERS of ISIS and Al-Queda, that is a different story altogether, but they don’t ever get their hands dirty with actual attacks (with rare exceptions.)