Discussion: Navy Stops Search For 7 Missing Sailors After 'A Number Of' Bodies Found

Any comments from the Secretary of the Navy or our Ambassador to Japan?

Oh, right, MANGOTUS is too busy tweeting to nonimate anyone to those positions.


Too busy from all the complete exonerations.


Time for a Board of Inquiry or a Courts Marshal. I am sure the Captain will lose his career along with others. The Fitzgerald hit or was hit by a cargo ship. How does a modern warship get hit by a ship that can be seen 50 miles away by eye? I realize it happened at night but that’s no excuse. I suppose the Cargo ship had running lights.


Neon running lights, but it was a low rider.


Then they should have heard it’s car stereo, no sweat.


I see we all woke up with a big case of snark.

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ISIS is taking notes: “Ramming a US Warship, with a hijacked containership ? Hm, why didn’t we think of that ?”

Somebody was seriously asleep at the wheel on both vessels…


Yes. Probably ought to dial it back given that they found the sailors. The military is a dangerous profession, even when people aren’t fucking up.


It’s now 10:20 am Sunday in NYC. I haven’t checked my TL yet but has Rump tweeted his condolences yet?


How does a collision like this happen on modern ships with radar and highly trained crews?

I can imagine two cargo ships colliding in fog, but a US Naval vessel and … anything?


It does seem hard to believe with modern technology. I initially thought one or both crews must have been asleep at the wheel, but marine tracking data shows the ACX Crystal performing up to 3 severe (180 and 90 deg) and several minor course corrections just before the collision, depending upon when the collision actually occurred. However, it is possible these erratic course corrections occurred after the collision, if the time of collision is inaccurate.

Edit: After correcting UTC time (17:30) to local time (2:30) on the marine tracking data, there was only one severe 180 turn before the collision.


At the risk of entering tin foil hat territory, is there any way the navigation system of the cargo ship could have been hacked into, and control then been taken thereof?

If the captain was asleep in his cabin, as appears to be the case, it may be that this won’t cost him his career. But whoever had the con is toast. Even if he or she acquitted. And the Japanese seem to be preliminary pinning the blame on the cargo ship.

(Not to be a pedant, by the way, but the curvature of the Earth limits sight lines at sea to about twenty odd miles.)

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I also imagine this administration feels no obligation to inform us how this managed to happen either. Its not like they’re particularly forthcoming about most things we normally would have heard by now, or that politicians would have demanded answers to had this happened during a Democratic administration. I’m still waiting to hear how a number of soldiers were recently killed in Afghanistan. Did that information come from the Pentagon initially I wonder? I don’t recall.

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Me? I am out on a ledge waiting for this goddam shoe I see in the sky trying with all its might to DROP. I am referring to a redux of Nixon firing Cox…


So far,…

How they stopped him from firing Mueller.
1) Isolation
2) Pep talk
3) Shiny Rasmussen poll (better than Obama!)
4) Three scoops.

— David Frum (@davidfrum) June 18, 2017
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And Frum is a conservative. (snicker). He should be on DT’s side but clearly he is not.

Stark reminder of the perils of seafaring. Those poor sailors. I hope they didn’t suffer long.


I imagine cargo ships as slow, lumbering barges. Are they actually so nimble that a navy ship could be surprised?