Discussion: Nations Express Solidarity With France After Notre Dame Blaze

I didn’t notice any other leader tweeting their helpful fire fighting tips, let along stupid ideas like dumping airplanes full of water on a building surrounded by people in a crowded city. For a man who supposedly doesn’t drink, the shit Rump tweets out sounds exactly like what a happy-hour drunk would shout out at the bar TV.


Many beautiful words from all around the world.

One thing that all these responses (even Putin’s) have in common is that none of the other world leaders tried to give firefighting advise.


If Trump’s advice had been taken the weight of the water dumped on Notre Dame would have collapsed the structure.


These other world leaders have such low IQs. Sad. They are expressing solidarity after the disastrous fire are extinguished. The Putin whore in our White Shit Hole was providing very intelligent live advice on fighting the fires with flying water tankers while watching Foxy News cuddled with his sleazy Iwanka Baby vinyl doll. He also provided California great advice when he told them that they should be doing more raking to prevent forest fires.

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Did Fat Ass send a truckload of paper towels yet?


Most (sane) people know better


Je suis francais.

I have a friend who is a civil engineer, and is now the supervisor of the roads of a Department of France. As a student in the 1980s, he inspected churches in Paris. He had been to “le foret”, the complex of timbers which comprised the roof support of Notre Dame du Paris. He indicated that the trees which comprised this support structure were planted in the 9th century. Thus, they were more than 1000 years old. I had asked what kind of preservative treatment they had (varnish, whatever), but he did not answer. According to my friend, the interior was incredibly dangerous during a fire, with molten lead falling from the roof area (roofing material was lead panels).

My friend also noted that some believe that the fire was set. Deliberately.

Yesterday I wrote this would place a major dent in French cultural history. I was way short. This is a major dent in the world’s curtutal history.

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But I’ve been assured, ad nauseam, that the stable genius, and he alone, can save us. How dare you dispute his brilliance.


notice AP elides the part about the president’s helpful firefighting advice


If only Donnie’s Space Farce was in place, he could have put the fire out with lasers from space.


Sarah Huckabee-Sanders released a statement that “God was just joking.”


Oh, really?
Who’s your friend? Quincy QAnon? Britney Breitbart? Ichabod InfoWars? Francine FoxNews? Stephanie Stormfront?


Goddamn War on Christmas…


Interesting that the increasingly far right Catholic Poles just can’t stop it with the WW2 shit.

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Yes, “some believe” this. They’re almost certainly wrong. Quite a few cathedrals have caught fire during renovations due to welding metal over wood (described below, I can’t translate it completely but you can get the gist), including two in Nantes, the basilica of Saint Donatien in 2015 and Nantes Cathedral in 1972.

Too early to tell. In the last year, 842 attacks against houses of worship in France have been recorded. That seems a lot.

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