Discussion: National Review Writer: Liberals 'Brainwash' Women To Cry 'Rape'

Why is it always a “friend?” Why not have some one relate their own personal story of how they claimed rape just to get back at a date?


“Admittedly, I am no scientist,” and, admittedly, you appear to like drunk sex.


Jesus. WTF?


First, you’d have to give her something capable of being washed.


Like so many ignorant and hateful right-wing nutjobs, Delgado appears to believe that the violent crime of rape is about sex.

Rape is a crime of violence and power—sex is merely the vehicle used by the criminal.

Rape has nothing to do with how a woman is dressed, with her past sexual history, with her sobriety or inebriation, or with her relationship with the rapist.

It’s about power and control—and those who commit rape are deeply disturbed and in need of intensive therapy, which may not help them cease their criminal assaults on women.

Ms. Delgado needs a lesson in basic humanity—a quality she lacks utterly.


She needs to slapped upside her wooden head.

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The National Review is a satire/parody site, right?


This is similar to the remark that a neanderthal named Clayton Williams said during his campaign against Ann Richards for governor of Texas in 1990: “If it’s inevitable, enjoy it.” We know who won.


Because Baby Jeezus made wimminz to be a playtoy for Christian men!

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Ms AJ’s projecting that she’d be fine with you guys in tech support slapping her butt at the next NRO Christmas party, except that Michael Mann might well have succeeded in obtaining summary judgment allowing him to seize all NRO assets, by which time AJ will have bailed, plus Ms AJ’s not planning on attending anyway, given her piece at NRO threatens to operate like a Vine showing the first date scene between the male and emale leads in Bad Santa.

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if she “backed-up” her claims, with something other than an unverifiable anecdote, like, oh, evidence, it might have a whiff of believability. all I catch is a whiff of RW grifter, grifting the rubes.


An unintentional one, to be sure.

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Please, conservatives, continue to share your insights about rape. America finds them fascinating, particularly America’s women.


It’s more like Miz AJ’s concerned that women - not her, OTHER women, definitely not her - ‘might’ not be able to tell the difference between a sustained canoodling and hand play following an ever so slightly daring rendezvous under the mistletoe on the one hand, and finding oneself unaccountably hornswaggled by anon after getting totally zoo’d and passing out askew and en state d’ébouriffé sur a bunch of coats piled on the floor of a spare room.

Miz AJ is clear on the difference between those two, but because she’s not sure YOU are (she doesn’t know anything ABOUT you, dearie - or anything else; she ADMITS it), best you treat them the same and STFU.

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The fact remains if women would dress modestly and save there flirting for there husbands, they would be safer on the streets.

That and open carry.

“Admittedly, I am no scientist…”

If only the climate change denial crowd would admit that.


Where does the line form?


Women who refuse to wear burquas are asking for it.


So women are being brainwashed, and her proof is that her friend made an accusation out of spite?


The fact remains that your comment bespeaks an ignorance of the facts that is truly brethtaking in its scope.

How women are dressed has nothing to do with a crime of violence and control perpetrated against women.

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