Discussion: National Review Writer Grateful To ISIL, Says Group Has Vindicated Conservatives

Discussion for article #228651



Always fun to see perversions of the right with fascistic tendencies throw insults (or sarcastic thank yous) at one another. LOL religion.


I’m sorry, but Horowitz writing a thank-you note to ISIS is like Hitler writing a thank-you note to the Stern Gang for their assistance in the war against the British.


Loonies and broken media, the jam and bread of bubble America…


Horowitz, you ain’t never been right on anything in your life. You move from extreme to extreme, all the while in the grip of the Narcissistic delusion that your opinion amounts to more than a tiny hill of beans. It doesn’t. You’re a pathetic fool.


ISIS probably thrilled they can point do Horowitz and say “We might be crazy but we’re not David Horowitz crazy”


Is Islam any more brutal than Christianity? The reality is that Islam in and of itself is not brutal. The problem is the people who take the religion to the extreme. How many Americans have lost their lives due to the brutality of so-called Christians? We see it every day when we see stories of gay children beaten to death by their parents or a couple murdering their autistic child because they cannot cope. The US is nominally a Christian nation, and we see brutality every day.

ISIL is not Islamic- and many Moderate and even Conservative Muslims have said so flat out. ISIL is a perversion of Islam.

As for Horowitz, he’s a disgrace to whatever God he prays to.


OMG, what if he didn’t use an ISIS-approved thank-you card?!?!?!!
Get digging, Dave.

These guys are all paid lobbyist’s for defense contractors. There job is to drum up fear and untie the purse strings. The US military cannot be expected to defend everyone in the world with oil under the ground. Where’s Turkey? Where’s Iraq , Saudi Arabia? Its terrible policy to involve 50,000 US soldiers in Syria and Iraq because there will be no end point. The US will immediately become an enemy of the people there. ISIS won’t be wearing ISIS uniforms they will look like everyone else. They should be laughed out of the country for insisting that ISIS is moving troops across outr southern boarder. Let me knowwhen they spend 700 billion on a defense budget then I will get worried. Untill they get their own carrier group stick to fighting terrorism at home. We have seen that deploying tens of thousands of troops over seas does not have a positive or deterrent effect on terrorism here it actually serves as a recruitment tool.


First they idolized Putin, then they mocked and ridiculed Obama for winning the release of an American POW of the Taliban, and now they “thank” psychopathic murderers. The current GOP and their surrogates are stark raving mad, and treasonous!


Could you please document this “every day” epidemic of “gay children beaten to death by their parents” or “a couple murdering their autistic child” you claim? Now who’s the fear mongerer? Look up the psychological term “projection” sometime.

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What Horowitz fails to grasp is that these Islamist radicals are a reactionary right-wing movement—just like Horowitz’s dearly beloved Tea Party is.

His lame attempts to link these far-right radicals to Democrats is risible—but then, so is Horowitz’s existence.


To which ISIS responded, “No, thank you for helping to over-hype our terror. We couldn’t do it without your addiction to fear and drama!”

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All you need to do is look these up in the newspaper. I believe not long ago there was a woman who beat her 4-year-old son to death because she was sure he was gay.

However, I will also point out that I am not fearmongering. The point of my post was not to make you fear Christians. Rather, it was to make it clear that any religion can be brutal if taken to the extremes. If you found that confusing, my apologies for not making it clearer. When writing a comment, it is not always easy to make things completely clear with regards to intent due to limited space.


Racist Asshole says what?

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This was a nice try, but I still won’t subscribe to TPMprime


Extremist predicts extremism while promoting extremism. Film at 11.


His next article will be a complaint how PC liberal college professors are censoring his “work.”


I guess he didn’t hear about Daniel Pearl, or Nick Berg.