Discussion: National Review Writer: Cliven Bundy

Discussion for article #221301

Just a bit of a stretch perhaps?

I had forgotten that Ghandi was armed and contemplated hiding behind women, must be my dementia setting in again!


Those who misread history are doomed to misrepeat it…or something.

The amount of Double Think the clowns on the right have to engage in to vomit up this level of stupid is truly breathtaking.

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Occupy Wall Street Declaration by Kevin D. Williamson - October 2011

So a bunch of dirty hippies shut down the Brooklyn Bridge because Goldman Sachs is mean to chickens. Or something.

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“Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy’s armed stand against federal officials this weekend is reminiscent of Mahatma Gandhi, the civil rights hero who championed civil disobedience through nonviolent means, according to one National Review correspondent.”

This is just irrational. Gandhi would have absolutely rejected anything resembling the crowd around Mr Bundy who are armed and ready to be violent it seems. Gandhi faced down the British by nonviolent means. There’s a huge huge difference between Bundy and Gandhi. The law is against Bundy precisely because Me Bundy BROKE THE LEASE by choosing to not pay the fee. In doing that he lost any legal standing he might have had.

Williamson added that while “Bundy’s stand should not be construed as a general template for civic action, it is nonetheless the case that, in measured doses, a little sedition is an excellent thing.”

((shakes head)) Williamson might not know that Gandhi was a lawyer and knew how to use the law to make a judge look foolish. Bundy is a selfish cheap assed rancher trying to graze his cattle for free in land he does not own, has no title to but rather leased from the BLM. He chose to break the lease for selfish reasons Now he’s being supported by gun waiving nut jobs who have other agendas of their own. Gandhi would never behave this way.