Discussion: National Review: RNC Booted Us From GOP Debate Over Anti-Trump Issue

Discussion for article #244971

Look, Jane, look. See the GOP implode. Implode, GOP, implode.


Natty R hates them some Trumpy, yes they do indeedly do.


Well they had no choice. They weren’t treating Trump fairly. He might have fired off Tweets calling them business failures and losers if they hadn’t ditched the liberal National Review. Which someone very close to them told me is failing miserably. Listen, their circulation is awful. I’m not judging, that’s just what someone told me.


Spot on!

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Those crazy incompetent fucks at the RNC are actually going to try to cohere the party around Trump. They are going to get flame-broiled in the general.



They bought their tickets… I say let 'em crash.


Right there with you.

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The NR gasbags didn’t see this coming!! A bunch of blowhards taking on the “new champion” of the RRRRighttt Wiiiiing".


Haha. Reap what you sow. The conservative movement spent the last 30 years hoarding the stupid, the crazy, the racist anti-science demagogues and nationalist mouth breathing gun nuts. They cleared the path for someone like Trump. They own him.


Well I will say, looking at the democratic race, I wish democratic folks would stop dumping on the democrat they are not pulling for in the primary because if they win it will just be brought up in the general race and we really don’t need to give the republicans any extra BS to spew. So I understand where the RNC is coming from, but, that said, I certainly don’t mind if they do it to each other!


The GOP continues to bite itself in the butt.


So much for the party of freedom and free speech…

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Headline: “Trump acts like giant asshole, nobody surprised.”


Uhhh…Sorry, but when a magazine, even the devolved Con rag touted here and that’s selling itself as a forum for leading conservative thinkers leads off with ~snicker!~ Glenn Beck, a man who is quite possibly seriously mentally ill, it’s done - all over - KAPUT!

This obvious and merciless decline all started when a faction of the shrieking Cons started calling anyone with even a shred of intellect or true insight and argument an “elitist”. In other words, they repeatedly and with glee shot themselves in the foot, given that ‘conservatism’ owed its rise in this country to what was really a pretty firm philosophical and intellectual background following the FDR steamroller. Now, however, the Con ‘leadership’ has devolved into a whining and crying gaggle of howler monkies and they have replaced ANY philosophical foundation for whatever verbal drool sounds good to their racist, bigoted, misogynistic, homophobic ears.

Cretin attention whores like Glenn Beck might be popular but a true conservative thinker, or coherent thinker, he is not. ____ BTW: Is he still shilling for that gold company and survivalist outfit? GAWWWD ALMIGHTY!
The National Review leads the pseudo conservative and Rightie shrieking banshee lemmings over the cliff. Plop … plop … plop … ~and good riddance to bad trash!~


The “It’s My Party…” reference didn’t need the [it].

“The GOP continues to bite itself in the butt.”

Ordinarily difficult to do, but but somewhat easier when 98% rump.

Reminds me of Mao Tse Tung and the Red Guard.
The Red Guard were Mao’s creation, but then he lost conrol (at the height of the ‘cultural revolution’ almost completely). It took Zhou Enlai years to reign them in --and Reince Priebus ain’t no Zhou.

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Pretty much stocking up on popcorn here since both orgs are full of crazy people, but I understand why the RNC did this. It’s one thing for the wingnut crowd to yell and scream about entire publications because one or two writers criticize a candidate; it’s another to dedicate an entire issue to it. It would be hard to believe that any NR moderator would be objective toward Trump after something like that.

To be clear, I’m not saying Trump didn’t deserve whatever they wrote or that republican debates are serious affairs from which we can learn anything about actual policy. I just think that moderators shouldn’t be so obviously in the tank for or against individual candidates. But there are plenty of wingnuts who can fill those tiny, tiny shoes, so I doubt NR will be missed.

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Can I get the popcorn concession on this? I didn’t win the lottery last week, but this might be as big.

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