Discussion: National Parks Account Goes On Climate Change Tweetstorm Amid Crackdown

The GOP recently revived an 1876 rule that allows Congress to reduce a government employees salary to $1 thereby making them the most famous US government employee in the world next to DJT. I hope they try.


Nothing! Carter Page will happily swing by and pick it up on his next return flight from Moscow.


I think they’ve been taken down.

The National Park Service had better watch out. Otherwise, the new President is likely to round them up and throw them into one of President Obama’s as-yet-unused FEMA gulags.

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That’s a national park that my former Congressman, Jim Hansen, wanted to shut down. He said if you’ve seen it once, you don’t need to see it again.

Hansen’s gone, but he’s been replaced by someone worse. That’s how we roll in Utah.

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A much more fun use is to keep firing back insults at Thin-skinned Twitler. It’s driving him mad. Not that anyone could tell the difference.


So climate change causes tweetstorms.

Who knew?!


Monkey trap. Never let go of the beans, even as the villagers close in with their nets and sticks.

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So those tweets have now been deleted.

Is that legal? Does the Federal Records Act of 1950 cover this?

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Someone who is being fired is saying, “You can take my job and shove it up your ass sideways. There’s a thousand places that will hire anyone with the cojones to flip off this administration.”

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25th amendment, coming soon to a theater near you.

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complete with several cases of knitting needles and lots, lots of pink yarn!


Yeah, I’m thinking that singling out one or a few people for that kind of treatment won’t go over well when the law suits are filed. The GOP believes themselves to be oh so very clever and they rarely turn out to be.


But it must bare the “MADE IN USA” label. Don’t want to take manufacturing jobs away from US workers!

Ah… speaking of FEMA, the southern states which were hit by the devastating storms this weekend - you know, the states that voted overwhelmingly for PeePee - are now all up in arms because he’s showing ‘heckofa job Brownie’ Katrina-level incompetence at getting them emergency help.

Come on, anti-gubmint bootstrappers! Pull yerselfs up!


I like it. Just never ever EVER let it go no matter how irrelevant it is to be included. Blah blah blah abortion rights and oh by the way…boom!..side by side inauguration crowd pics. Hahahaha…I’d love to see it become a concerted effort and theme and then witness Trump’s breakdown over it lol


@danf–As the saying goes “Information wants to be free.”