Rump is learning the hard way that you don’t fuck with women. OK, I loaded much double entendre there.
Avert your eyes or just skip this comment if you’re too delicate but I’ll repeat what I said a few weeks ago:
Trump is a c*nt
The most disgusting word, IMHO, is apt for the most disgusting person in the world.
Move over Hitler, you’ve lost the award for the most despised human ever. By an orange landslide.
Pretty hard to see all the lewd tats… the pasties… butt plug … under that outfit …
But I’m sure they’re there -----
Hey, if confident + competent = nasty, then count me in as a Nasty Woman too!
And damn proud of it too, you asshole.
A friend of mine (a gay man) tweeted “Bad hombre in the streets, nasty woman in the sheets.” I howled.
Someone needs make t-shirts and bumper stickers of that one!
I wish the Beastie Boys could rap “Nasty Women Get Shit Done.”
Has more bite than reclaiming “Deplorable” too.
Excellent trolling. I award all of these efforts an A++.
“Nasty Woman” and “Bad Hombre” T-shirts. You gotta admit, HO does know how to create jobs.
Her campaign really needs to hammer that not only do folks need to vote for her, but they need to vote D for all congressional positions too so she can get some shit done and not have congress dragging her down like it has Obama.
Married to a ‘nasty’ woman (40 years) and plan to vote for another one on Nov. 8th.
It’s Hillary. Madam President if you’re nasty♬
Mrs. Von Holst used to belong to a women’s work-place coffee klatsch that called themselves: “The Snarky Bitches.” One of them was named “Tim”.
Having that orange bigot give conservative women the final push they needed to vote for Clinton with that comment makes me almost want to kiss him.
Nah, not enough TicTacs in the world!
That’s President Nasty to you, HO.
Please go high!
To Trump: "My name is Hillary, YamMan / Madame President, if you’re nasty."
BTW Trump just Tweeted that Hillary got the debate questions in advance.
FOX, I’m sure, also supplied her with 30 years of experience as an attorney, speaker, and political wonk.
Oh Donnie’! You fit so well in the Basket of Deplorable Sour GOP Grapes…right at the top, in fact!