Discussion for article #222670
It is snowing today therefore there is no global warming and Mitt Romney is automatically president. Climate is always changing and besides Cosmos said the dinosaurs burned up and buried and now we’re just burning them again why is that a problem? Switching to clean alternative sources of energy will just destroy billions of jobs and also if we use up all the sun for power there won’t be any left for daylight and we’ll all live in the dark and humans aren’t nocturnal, LIBTARDOS! Study it out.
Worrisome? Nah. It’s the South Pole dummies. Look at your globe. All that water will stay below the equator and only Australia will flood. Jeeze, those scientists will say anything.
Goodbye Miami, Venice, New Orleans (again), Bangladesh, Seychelles…
Sure, not immediately. But all the real estate in those places and others is now officially rented rather than owned.
And still people will claim that it’s too expensive to do anything about climate change.
1% chance of terrorism? Better start a war against the wrong country!
1% chance of climate change flooding Florida and destroying billions of dollars of NYC real estate? Shut up, hippie! Global Warming is just a Commie Fraud!
Plus, you-know-who is fat and takes trips in airplanes.
No, not the bridge guy, the other one.
On second thought, it was a bridge guy, but the one to the 21st century, not the one to New York.
P.S. Snake Plisskin isn’t dead.
Preppers, crawl out of your holes and start collecting lumber and animals. And look up “cubit”.