Trump: I rest my case.
FOX: We apologize for taking a smart man off the air.
“And the more the American public knows about this, the more informed their and Congress’s decisions will be.”
“I think a lot more’s going to come,” he said, without specifying if he was talking about his claim or the congressional debate over surveillance authorities.
Well, this all bodes well.
Edit for details:
A) Great we’ve got this gem of shining truth back on the air
B) Sounds like he’s on a mission to misinform towards a specific agenda
C) “a lot more’s going to come” sounds oddly like he’s got a lead on the next batch of IC community information that will hit Wikileaks.
Welp. So much for taking him off the air!
Well it must be true then.
Napolitano is, always has been, and always will be an asshole. Therefore, he is a perfect fit for the Asshole-elect’s team, Sad.
You didn’t really believe they would get rid of this guy, did you? There is no consequence for lying on Faux News. No lie is ever too big for Rupert Murdoch…unless some woman there sues the company for sexual assault. Then of course, that’s a bridge too far and she’s the one deemed a liar. Lying though, is what they do for a living at Faux. It’s part of each person’s contract. Its probably also in their mission statement. Besides, Napolitano must know where all the bodies are buried. They can’t risk letting that cat out of the bag now, can they? That guy is a joke. Imagine anyone that ever had to stand in front of him while he was a judge. That would be an injustice all by itself.
“Yes I do” stand by the story, "I also stand by the proposition that you should never call a crazy person “crazy” because it just guarantees they will stand by the crazy shit they said that made you call them “crazy.”
He will lie to God on Judgment Day to.
He’s as worried about the FBI as he is about the Russians.
The Professional News sends guys like this back to a park bench to feed the pigeons.
The Propaganda Channel gives them a time-out for a week.
keep digging. your credibility has to be down there somewhere.
“the most offensive is not their lying—one can always forgive lying — lying is a delightful thing, for it leads to truth—what is offensive is that they lie and worship their own lying…”
― Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Crime and Punishment
FUX News ratings must be cratering with all of the delightful Donnie dis-disillusionment going on with his zombie followers.
He is also concerned about how he might be treated by the Trump administration, according to the sources
Without knowing precisely how the administration would treat him, we somehow know how it will go.
Napoltiano’s mug makes him the perfect poster child for the “Stop Drunken Face Plants” campaign.
No wonder Dear Leader likes Napolitano so much. They are both happy to lie and incapable of admitting wrong or apologizing
Guess poor Shep Smith is going to have to be ready for more retractions on Napolitano’s behalf.
Fox News: Make Shit Up, Get a Timeout, Welcome Back to Make Shit Up.
“there will be a great debate about how much authority we want the government to have to surveil us”
In the not too distant past when Congress was in the process of passing the ironically named Patriot Act and other expansive police powers the GOP denounced opponents by proclaiming “If you’ve done nothing wrong, you have nothing to worry about.” Why does Napolitano now invite a great debate to undermine the government’s ability to keep us safe?