Discussion: Nadler Still Wants Mueller To Testify On TV To Gin Up Public Impeachment Support

Nadler is on this. He’ll make something happen. In a week. or two. Maybe July or August. For sure before Labor Day. You just wait!! Uh huh!!! It’s happening!! Grrrr!!



I want to remain in certain folks good graces, but it’s hard doing that.

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I think that Justin Amash is correct that she’s trying to protect members in swing districts. I don’t agree that this is the correct way to do that, but the desire to protect the house majority is understandable. Its really important. Its hard to feel secure about the outcomes of Presidential elections after 2016, and its certainly reasonable to be skeptical about taking the Senate. So, if the house is the only lever we have, then you absolutely don’t want to lose that if you don’t have to. If Democrats don’t hold at least one of the power levers, then a lot of people get hurt fast.

To be clear, I don’t really agree with that line of reasoning tactically, in that I don’t think it puts us at any greater risk of losing the house than looking like a do-nothing congress would. But I understand it. I hope that she can be convinced in time.


Remember: “Impeachment” is a POLITICAL TRIAL, not a CRIMINAL TRIAL.

It DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY PROOF OF CRIMINAL ACTIVITY BY THE PRESIDENT to Impeach him, or convict him in the Senate Trial. “High Crimes and Misdemeanors” is whatever the House and Senate wish them to be.

If a sufficient number of Representatives (Simple Majority) AND Senators (2/3 Majority) think the President is unfit, for ANY REASON they have the constitutional authority to REMOVE HIM FROM OFFICE via Impreachment. Period.

HOWEVER; This REQUIRES that the American Public AGREE WITH THE REMOVAL or it all collapses like the Clinton Impeachment did.

It is a massive PR exercise, as shown by the Nixon (almost) Impeachment (he never really was Impeached as he resigned before the vote was taken in the House.)
At the beginning of 1973, Nixon had just been re-elected with one of the biggest victories in Presidential History: He had won 49 States and 60.3% of the vote, beating Democrat George McGovern by over 18 Million Votes.
He had a 70% approval rating, and the support of ALL of the Senate Republicans.
Over almost two long, agonizing years of continuous investigations and stonewalling by both the White House AND the DOJ (Robert Bork anyone?) his approval rating fell to only 30% on the day he resigned.
It was not until John Dean had a “come to Jesus moment” during his Senate inquiry testimony and exposed the existence of the White House Tapes that the Democrats finally had something to hang on Nixon. It STILL took almost a YEAR for the SCOTUS to issue a unanimous ruling (8-0 with 1 recusal) ordering Nixon to hand over the tapes that the facade began to crumble, and the American Public began to turn against Nixon. Once the tapes exposed him as a sleazy, foul-mouthed, racist, anti-Semitic, liar, and actively directing the coverup, he was toast.
Of course, back then, we had REAL JOURNALISTS who dug for THE TRUTH and broadcast it with no Opinionating.
These hearings is why CSPAN was created, but thanks to Reagan, we now have only INFO-TAINMENT, not journalism, precisely micro-targeted to tiny slices of Americans for the benefit of their advertisers. Not to mention the journalistic abominations that are Facebook and Twitter.

Santayana: “Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”


Barr has already refused to testify to a House committee.

Slow-walking Jerry should do his job and stop making excuses. The Constitution says nothing about popular support being necessary to successfully impeach.

Just another stalling tactic in their strategy to delay until they can say it is too late.

How is the vote on the Billy Barr Contempt motion going, Jerry? Only been over 3 weeks.

I saw that. She seemed like a nice lady. But, I somehow doubt she’s going to change her viewing habits.

Why say anything about Watergate or impeachment? Just say it’s important that Mueller testify, period. Why say it must be on TV for all to see, implying that he wants a spectacle of some sort. Now Mueller and Trump have a way to back up alleging that Nadler has political reasons alone for getting Mueller to testify, rather than saying it’s for the good of the country, blah blah blah.


Barr’s primary agency is to coverup the coverup of the coverup …

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I think Mueller thinks that voluntarily testifying will make him look “political” and weaken the impact of the testimony. I think Nadler thinks that subpoenaing Mueller against his wishes will make the process look “political.” Really, the whole thing is political, in the lives-in-the-balance sense, not the scare quotes sense. One of them is going to have to blink, and I think you’re right that its Nadler’s job to do so here.


Good point. Most people only get their news from TV.

Valid points.

Barr already went second and we saw what he did then. He must go first. We know he’ll hop out in front of a camera after Mueller testifies, but he should testify to Congress on tv before Mueller does.

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Right now there isn’t much public support for impeachment and it would lose in the senate for sure. Let Bloatard’s pee-stained financial sheets be revealed. Bannon said something to the effect that ordinary people will see him as just another swindling scumbag. Subpoena more Trumpflunkies like Weisselberg, put them on tv and get the whole stinking pile of poop out there. Let SDNY unveil some of their goodies and build the case with the public piece by piece. When Trumpf’s ratings tank some GOPutzes will start to make for the exits rather than defend him against an overwhelming narrative. Amass as much factual evidence and testimony before launching the impeachment inquiry then bury the fucker.


Timeline for Nadler slow-walking the Mueller testimony:

March 23: Mueller Report Issued

May 5: Mueller set to testify before Congress on May 15

May 10: Nadler says Mueller will not appear on May 15

May 17: Nadler delays Muller testimony until June

May 23: Nadler says Muller wants to testify “privately”

May 28: Mueller resigns

May 31: Nadler said that he still wants Mueller to testify

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I only want to hear ONE QUESTION to Meuller: "Did AG Barr order you to end your investigation. Yes or No?

That is all we need to know because I am positive the answer will be: YES

Proving that Barr is as guilty as Trump in the obstruction of justice.


Seems there’s enough in the report for a smart lawyer to mount a intensive line of questioning even with laconic, cryptic Bob.


Rosie is still a DoJ employee sho he can hide or be hidden behind some sort of privilege. Mueller has resigned so he is now just Citizen Mueller and free to testify or be called.

He sure went out of his way, didn’t he. I mean its just a word and not even an I-word in the same class as Idiot, Imbecile, Infantile, Immature, Ineffective and Impotent.

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And Mueller’s press conference came with almost no notice and consequently, many people probably missed it, at least watching it live.

There is nothing like scheduled, live testimony on national television to rivet the public’s (and media’s) attention. I suspect it would be galvanizing and put us firmly on the road to impeachment. After all, calls for Trump’s impeachment have already increased after Mueller’s relatively brief statement. Mueller would be Trump’s nightmare - a stately, courtly gentleman the public would find eminently credible.