Discussion: Nadler Still Wants Mueller To Testify On TV To Gin Up Public Impeachment Support


“Part of the function of Congress, just the same as the Watergate hearings 40 years ago, [is] to have a dialogue with the American people so people can make informed decisions and know what’s going on,” Nadler said. “It’s very important that he, to a television audience and to the American people, state it and answer questions about it, even if there is no new information.”


Why don’t you take a public poll, then convene a focus group, then have a few dozen town halls, and then conduct a study? Then could take another public opinion poll that asks questions on the last public poll, as well as the study, the focus group, and the town halls?

Then–and I mean THEN–we would be getting somewhere!


Bring in Barr and Rosenstein, too. Why did AG Barr feel it necessary to overturn Mueller’s rationales and make his own personal judgement regarding t rumpp’s innocence. Barr issued a fake exoneration, and is an active part of t rumpp’s 2020 campaign. Make him answer, and hold him accountable.


BION, Sam Stein, Asawin Suebsaeng at Daily Beast had a story out yesterday that Trumpers want Mueller to testify. Guiliani, Hannity, others actually believe Rep Jones, Meadows, Gaetz will eat Mueller for breakfast.

“If they allow [GOP Reps.] Meadows and Jordan and few of the others there, they’ll eviscerate him more than they did Michael Cohen,” said Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s personal attorney during and after the Mueller probe. Giuliani said it would be “emotionally satisfying to have” Mueller testify and that “in terms of the politics of it, I would love to have him testify. I think he’s afraid to.”


Well they are dumb, what else is new?


Pretty sure it’s a whole lot quicker to just force Mueller to testify publicly with the cameras rolling like he’s going to do. They’re going as fast as procedure allows and it won’t be made any faster by declaring formal impeachment proceedings. Why do you want them to slow down?

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I’m gonna repeat my latest impeachment insight: focus on the intentional failure to defend the 2020 elections from hostile actors.

Get testimony from a bunch of people, Mueller included, who detail the 2016 attacks and the encouragement they received from the Trump campaign; the fact that it benefited Trump and may have thrown the election to him; the evidence that there will be a repeat attack in 2020 for the benefit of Trump; and the total failure of Trump to take any or adequate steps to acknowledge what is happening, let alone take steps to counter it. The whole Trump-Russia can of worms would be opened, but not in the context of settling scores or arguing about history or prosecuting Trump. It would be in the context of a real and present threat to our democracy that Trump and the GOP is facilitating. If the Senate refuses to convict, Dems simply argue that the whole party is rotten and in a de facto electoral alliance with Russia. Alternatively, the articles of impeachment could be withdrawn if the GOP takes steps to protect the country and Trump signs off on it.


“It’s very important that he, to a television audience and to the American people, state it and answer questions about it, even if there is no new information.”

Tragically, this actually is critical to success.

IIRC, public support for impeachment was even lower at this point in the Watergate scandal.

It wasn’t until televised hearings began that public support skyrocketed.

The average member of Congress – let alone the average journalist, let alone the average American – will never, ever read the Mueller Report; they only know what they see on the teevee.

If it weren’t for the cathode-ray teat, they’d starve to death.

(And, no, the GOP won’t score any televised points with Mueller; they’ll only come across as angry jerks.)


Call Rosenstein while you are at it. He seems as important as Mueller at this point.


I want to hear from Andrew Weissman and the rest of his colleagues here :arrow_down:


Go get 'em Mr. Nadler!


Doing nothing is not an option, so yeah. Dems don’t want to run against Trump if he’s saying, “they would have impeached me but they couldn’t find any high crimes and misdemeanors.”


LOL. Well, none of those people actually eviscerated Cohen hehe…they just have to say that because it’s all part of the shtick. What’s more, Mueller is no Cohen. Coming out of the box swinging and trying to “destroy” Robert Mueller, his name, his character, his work, etc., is going to be a seriously bad look.


I desperately want to watch him squirm when someone takes him through the known steps of Trump ordering him to write the Comey letter, him writing it, him sweating it and knowing damn well he’d just participated in obstruction and yet him then participating in exonerating himself by saying there was no obstruction.


I hate to say this. Bad Optics. In the way it was stated. It almost feels like he is making Mueller an adversary and at the same time, a prop. Nadler needs to rephrase this to a degree.

Oh yeah. He has some explaining to do.

Has anyone attempted lentil popcorn? Before I lay in the next popcorn supply, the wife was discussing this as a possibility. So I need a go or no go on that before we head to the store. Jones, Meadows, Gaetz against Mueller…I need to choose the right sody pop to go along with it. It needs something special.


Jerry needs to stay the course.There are people afoot in this country who can say this evidently with no shame or fear of being ridiculed. Until it’s exposed to us wiseacres.

Cathy Garnaat, a Republican who supported Amash and the president said she was upset about Amash’s position but wanted to hear his reasoning. She said that she will definitely support Trump in 2020 but that Tuesday night was the first time she had heard that the Mueller report didn’t completely exonerate the president.

“I was surprised to hear there was anything negative in the Mueller report at all about President Trump. I hadn’t heard that before," she said. “I’ve mainly listened to conservative news and I hadn’t heard anything negative about that report and President Trump has been exonerated.”

Adding when she was asked where she got her news,

“I usually watch Fox News", particularly Sean Hannity


then they should meet Superman himself.

I’m still on record about what I previously said and I’m ok with it.

My continual gripe is the nameless (aka: ‘those folks’) who have basically said ‘f nuance,’ and they’re just here for the bonfire.


Hmm Comment system got weird there for a minute.

“Impeachment is a dirty, filthy, disgusting word”, so says the dirty filthy disgusting POS occupying the Oval.