Discussion: Nadler Nails Barr For Misleading On Obstruction, Renews Impeachment Idea



In the right light and after several margaritas!

The fix was in. Not just the President, nobody was charged with obstruction of justice.

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In the meantime, I’d at least like to see tRump and lowBarr put in stocks outside the WH fence so people could throw rotten food at them.
It is so unbelievable to me that a criminal like tRump can’t be removed from office.

The Atlantic has a great story on how the process of impeachment is now the only process available for T rumpp to clear his name. I know that sounds backward, but Mueller laid out the path for Congress to do its job. If a sitting president cannot be indicted, then he also cannot be fairly accused without the possibility of defending himself against those accusations. Impeachment proceedings are the only way to resolve this. Either clear T rumpp of the accusations against him, or convict. Only one way to do both of those.


Impeachment is confined to the House.
It’s just a fancy word for “indict.”

The Senate is where the trial would take place, and the GOP Senate is not going to vote for conviction—so Trump would emerge stronger and likely to win re-election.


but she will only need a little one if she goes after his


You realize that the Republican-controlled Senate will never vote to convict Trump, right? Starting impeachment proceedings is pointless when you’ve got an entire party that is completely corrupt running a significant portion of the government - the Administration, Senate and, with it, the courts. They are more interested in perpetuating their own power than serving the country as honest representatives. That must be part of any political calculation. There are simply not enough honest and ethical Republicans, if there are any at all, to reach a supermajority vote to impeach a president that is riling up their base and giving them control over the court system for decades.


"Senior House Dem aide tells me the messaging from Dems is that Mueller needs to come to the Hill and that full documents are needed. Hoyer ruling out impeachment was “clearly off message.”

~~Sam Stein


What Mueller shows is that Trump is a walking case for impeachment. He does not understand his roll and this ties in with other reports of “high crimes and mistimeaors” he has done (such as offering a pardon to the ICE head if he violates the law). Trump is simply a criminal. Full stop.

But, the best to approach this via hearings and exposure of who Trump is. The moment it becomes “impeachment” and as such not fact finding, but “political” lots of people just tune out.


They absolutely need to question Mueller. It’s the source from which all else could flow. And then they need to investigate the life out of every one of the duplicitous pieces of filth that exposed themselves, like Sanders.


Nadler has sent Mueller a letter asking him to testify before May 23.


Barr probably thought he could pull this off like he did in the 90’s with Iran/Contra but it didn’t work out that way. :relieved:


It is clear from even the redacted report that Bob Mueller and his team were not up to the task. They have have made flagrant errors in their interpretation of the evidence and the law and have let their political loyalty cloud their professional judgement. They have harmed the country immeasurably and damaged the faith of ordinary Americans in the justice system and our democratic processes.

The only flagrant judicial failure of judgement in living memory that is even remotely comparable to what Barr and Mueller have done to this country is Alex Acosta’s decision to overlook the rape, molestation and exploitation of hundreds of young girls by Jeffrey Epstein.


uh, no.


If we had the Full Mueller Report, our collective mood would be exponentially brighter. Since we are still gloomy and hesitant and fearful (which is what Trump/Barr planned for), we are ignoring the difference between the information we now have and the information we had on March 24…

We are looking at the the glass half empty and, as much as I loathe the Republican Party, their voters don’t give up as easily.

Let’s get the FULL DAMN REPORT.

I am sick of Barr being a part or any of this.


Seth Abramson says no.


Liked x gazillions.

Excellent analysis. :clap:

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I’m perfectly aware of these things as I indicated as much in posts below. But that still doesn’t take away the fact that by all rights, he should be impeached (and convicted).

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Everyone I know is feeling much “brighter” about now. Even this redacted report is giving us plenty to sing about. We can mine this treasure trove for months :wink: .